This question has come up a few times recently, so you should be able to get
some tips with a quick google search.
If you assign a profile (with the same settings as your gpl one) to
gpllaunch.exe (in your winvroc folder) this should help, but I don't use
profiles myself so I'm only basing this on stuff read here.
Setup a profile for GPL (not for WinVroc and not for GPLLaunch).
Activate the Profiler software. (It's not enough to just have the "W"
symbol on your taskbar -- the software has to be started up, then
minimized if you prefer....). Start up WinVROC from your Start Menu or
desktop shortcut. But definitely NOT thru the Profiler. (This is key!)
Race thru VROC as usual.
This method works because when you have the Profiler in memory it senses
whatever sim has been started. In this case, it's GPL (whether offline
or online thru VROC). To make doubly sure that this works, in the
Profiler, go to "Options"/ "Global Profiler Settings", then click on
"Apply Persistent Profile" and set it for GPL. Note: If you do this
your GPL profile will always be loaded, even if you're running a
different sim, so it's up to you whether want to do this. FWIW, I do.
Hope this helps....
That "GPLLaunch stuff" works for most folks.