A friend and I play GPL over the modem nearly everynight. We use Windows
dial-up networking to make the connection, then play GPL using TCP/IP (you
must have this configured in Win9x first). We have not noticed this problem
(not really a modem-to-modem connection but a network). The main point I
want to make here is that we both use SAVD modems and connect with
simultaneous voice and data (which means we only get a 14.4k data
connection) and it works great. The advantages are that you can have a (GPL
software) crash and rejoin without a new phone call.
If you are using Win95 you will need the plus pack or download the Dial Up
Networking Server software. Win98 comes with it standard. Make sure the
faster machine runs the server side (answers the call). Also look on Alison
Hines' site for details on how to optimise dialup networking.
I applaud Papyrus for optimising TCP/IP enough to still run on a 14.4
connection. Being able to talk to the person infront of you as you apply the
pressure is a blast.
We have also used this method for F1RS (need IPX setup). It works but the
warping is annoying.
MTM2 - excellent
Motocross Madness - excellent
Hope this helps.
>You would be surprised to find out that nobody hardly at all is playing
Modem to modem games in GPL. I myself pointed out to Papyrus
a hell of a time trying to get a connection. Iam refering
problems a few weeks ago and slowly but surely the people
to try the problem you are haveing with the mirrors