there is way to unlock everything (by adding a file, I have the file, and
unsure if game is checking the contents of this file or just that file
exists.. some say just create new file of this name in GTL root) anyrate, I
had a buddy that sent me this file, it worked, but I dont have it here at
work, nor recall the name (use google and search this group, or look around 's GTLegents Forums... Or if you end up posting I could
email it to you, if I rememebr to check this group fast enough, while I am
at home, sbc doestn keep post very long.)
But you can race and win mustang pretty quickly, and the GT-350 mustang can
be bought pretty quickly.. all is not bad, it was actually great fun, and I
wouldnt have done it (raced the mini's if I had NOT have had to...)
Tony Jester enlightened us with:
>> Also the initial cars are good fun, you may be surprised.
> Yes, you're right. I never had so much fun going slow! There is a
> very realistic feeling I noticed. However, I have a framerate
> problem. When GPL came out, I upgraded. When N4 came out, I
> upgraded. But... I had more money then. We'll see...
> -Tony-