I'm pretty sure only GF3 and above manage full/full.
I have a GF3 and AMD xp1800 and I don't get full/full
Joe M.
Hm, I was full/full with a GF3 Ti200 and a 1.4gHz Thunderbird with
128mb PC133 RAM.
Surely it should be a *user* option, not a designer one. If I want to run it
full/full on some shitty computer then let me.
1280x1024x16. Dunno if I had quincunx on or not, could never get it
to work well on the Ge3.
YMMV... ;-)
I'm curious what score can be had from an AMD 2800 or P4 2.8Ghz and an ATI
9700 Pro.
Joe M.
> Surely it should be a *user* option, not a designer one. If I want to run
> full/full on some shitty computer then let me.
> >Surely it should be a *user* option, not a designer one. If I want to run
> >full/full on some shitty computer then let me.
> Um...you can.
Maybe it's because I'm running Windows XP...
No seriously, my P4 1.8 with GF2 gets 0.0 tri/sec, so the config is screwed
up somehow. The game still works fine though...
Is your direct X up to date and enabled properly????
dave henrie
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Yep. And the game runs perfectly well anyway...
It's not a problem, I just wan't a number of tri/sec <sob>.