I saw this till I gave up--the AI definitely needs some work. It's very
good to excellent on some tracks, and bad or worse on others, with Phoenix
the worst I've seen so far.
Jerry Morelock
I saw this till I gave up--the AI definitely needs some work. It's very
good to excellent on some tracks, and bad or worse on others, with Phoenix
the worst I've seen so far.
Jerry Morelock
> I saw this till I gave up--the AI definitely needs some work. It's very
> good to excellent on some tracks, and bad or worse on others, with Phoenix
> the worst I've seen so far.
> Jerry Morelock
> > I really like Nascar 4, and I can't wait for the patch.!
> > I've been bitten by the following bug twice and have seen it more times
> > than that.
> > What happens is two AI cars will drift literally into each other just
> > about the width of their tires, or a little less. The next thing you see
> > is the two cars explode away from each other, generally getting both
> > cars airborne; like someone set explosives between them and blew them
> > apart.