Gone Gold 14:50 HRS. EST
Nascar 4
As stated last week, the game has officially Gone Gold. Exclusive
shots coming up momentarily. :D.
Gone Gold 14:50 HRS. EST
Nascar 4
As stated last week, the game has officially Gone Gold. Exclusive
shots coming up momentarily. :D.
this has already been posted at RAS :)
You are late! :)
pedantic ? me ? never
> Shane
> pedantic ? me ? never
> > >Nascar 4
> > >As stated last week, the game has officially Gone Gold. Exclusive
> > >shots coming up momentarily. :D.
> > >http://www.gonegold.com
> > this has already been posted at RAS :)
> > You are late! :)
Dont know but it sounds like there are 4 of them.
> > what is nascar ?
> Dont know but it sounds like there are 4 of them.
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Having a bad day are we?
dave henrie
I bought 3 different versions of the exact same game from Sierra, just
because they renamed it and repackaged it.. That's about as low as you
can go in my book...
That's ok.. Tonight, I finally broke down and bought N4, just for a
LAN party that's going to be in the area, and realized that even
though they finally did change something in the game, it was for the
worse! They *removed* arrow key support for driving!!!!! Not only did
they change the defaults from what they've always been, but made it so
that you can't even configure the keyboard to use them!
What on earth were they smoking, popping, and dropping to do that to
me?????? :)
>> Don't get any speeding tickets hurrying to the store after this! If
>> it's anything that Sierra has touched, it'll be available for the next
>> 5 years at the same price! They'll just rename it or change the
>> graphics on the box for each bugfix and sell it again!
> Having a bad day are we?
>dave henrie
> I bought 3 different versions of the exact same game from Sierra, just
> because they renamed it and repackaged it.. That's about as low as you
> can go in my book...
> That's ok.. Tonight, I finally broke down and bought N4, just for a
> LAN party that's going to be in the area, and realized that even
> though they finally did change something in the game, it was for the
> worse! They *removed* arrow key support for driving!!!!! Not only did
> they change the defaults from what they've always been, but made it so
> that you can't even configure the keyboard to use them!
> What on earth were they smoking, popping, and dropping to do that to
> me?????? :)
> >> Don't get any speeding tickets hurrying to the store after this! If
> >> it's anything that Sierra has touched, it'll be available for the next
> >> 5 years at the same price! They'll just rename it or change the
> >> graphics on the box for each bugfix and sell it again!
> > Having a bad day are we?
> >dave henrie
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
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