Yes, you're doing something wrong... not paying close attention. :-) The
fact that he talks about Game Device Profiler having Precision Pro/Force
Feedback Pro support, it's obvious that he has the version of GDP that comes
with one of those two products. According to Microsoft's web site, those two
products come with Game Device Profiler _2.0_.. However, the latest version
available for download is 1.5. Microsoft says 2.0 will be available for
download "soon", whenever the hell that is supposed to be. :) (If it's done
and shipping with software, why not put it up for download?)
>Umm...NOT!!! Just dl'ed the ver. 1.5 Profiler and I can not adjust my MS
>Sidewinder Pro 3D sensitivity. There is no option offered for
>sensitivity in this program. All I can do is map keyboard keys to my
>stick buttons.
>Please tell me I'm doing something wrong. Thanks.
>> It's already been done, with the Microsoft Game device Profiler
>> software. You can select tree different sensitivies as well as
>> assigning functions to all the joystick buttons, except the hat. You
>> can have 8 programmed funtions on the MS Sidewinder 3D, and 16 on the
>> Precision Pro or Force feedback Pro.
>his a good idea or what? Its got to be possible.
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