>NFS 3 - if it ever happens, what should it have --
>My vote is for it to be MORE like NFS-1 than NFS-2 in several areas:
>1. Bring back the cops!
>2. Let's have some rally type courses - enough of the circuits!
>3. Let's get the cars handling better -- NFS-2 just isn't as fun to
>drive as NFS-1 although NFS-2 is "prettier" - more eye candy...
>4. Let's get a more optimized 3-d engine -- the frame rates in NFS-2
>stink with the detail on -- See MOTORacer for an idea of what it
>could/should be like ...
>5. Gotta have direct internet play built in that works -- !! (NFS-1
>didn't have this, but it is worth mentioning)
>6. Let's have a TRACK EDITOR and a CAR EDITOR -- charge extra for it if
>you have to, but lets bring some life to a dying series. NFS-1 and
>NFS-SE have "hacked" track editors and some of the "homebrew" tracks are
>a blast! (see my unofficial NFS page at
>7. Lets have cars that we can paint !! Most folks that play NASCAR
>enjoy having the custom car sets, etc ...
is missing is *fun*, because it is such a plain-jane racer like
Screamer. It was the slightly original features like cops and rally
courses (and the great car handling) that made NFS1 so good.
If EA followed even the majority of suggestions in your post they
would get my money despite the fact that I loathed NFS 2 (you have to
admit it's a pretty sad statement when most of the features we are
begging for are things they had in NFS 1 and *removed* from NFS 2).