: Converted ICR2 tracks over to Nascar
: In Long beach, at least, the computer driven cars disappear before
: sharp corners and reappear on the other side.
: What the heck is going on?
It not only happens at Long Beach, but also Mid-Ohio and Toronto. Mid-Ohio
has a sinister twist to it: coming out of the Keyhole, sometimes they
teleport BACK a few car lengths. Very unfortunate indeed, three fantastic
tracks only good for testing!
Basicly I'm assuming that there is a conflict with calculating the AI's
lap times. Haven't set the time aside to play around with the TRACK.TXT
files to see if it can be improved somehow.
Elkhart, Laguna, and Portland are fine (I think!). Portland is a little
dicey in the t7-8-9 complex, as the AI tends to overshoot t7, bounce off
the right wall and careen accross the track during t8. Basicly don't get
too aggressive with the AI coming down the backstraight; if you can pass
them early OK, if not, hang back and catch them coming out of t9.
_-\<,_ Cosmo Potapoff