>An avid online GPL'er (thanks to the introduction Herr Seery all that
>time ago) and a perhaps misplaced loyalty to the beatiful Red Car, I
>am a little worried...........
>why?, you ask.............
>Well.I 'tried' an F2 race the other day.......what a load of cack.....
>....afterall, that was ALL was on offer on VROC. Ijust cannot see the
>enjoyment of racing round a half speed!! It WAS at Spa, and I managed
>to light, smoke and extingush a fag...as I entered the str8 and just
>before I reached Masta !!!
If you're only achieving "half speed", I suspect smoke is getting in
your eyes.
I believe one of the main attractions of F2 aficionados is the general
atmosphere of the F2 community. There appears to be far less
of the " I will win this race on the first lap, in Turn 1 " lunacy
that is so prevalent in online F1 events. It appears the F2
contestants are happy to sacrifice the thrill of the F1 cars to
participate in events that actually resemble races.
Steve Smith's F2 Superguide says it best:
" There are those among us in the virtual racing community who believe
the highest level of samadhi in Papyrus' immortal Grand Prix Legends
is not to be found in the Formula 1 cars--whose raw power and ragged
control seem as prehistoric as the troglodytic Unlimited Hydros in
powerboat racing--but in the grace and balance of the Formula 2 cars
(called "Advanced Trainers" in the game due to some obscure legal
beef, just as the doughty little Formula 3s are elliptically referred
to as "Novice Trainers"). It wasn't supposed to be this way."
" The F2s aren't really trainers at all, but superb racers in their
own right. Mastering the welterweight F2s will in no way prepare you
for a title bout with the Neanderthal F1s, but they will teach you the
art of motor racing without the excess baggage of too much power and
too little car control. The F2s may not be as spectacular as the F1s,
but by the same token, F2 racing does not attract the grandstanders,
the show-offs, or those annoying thrill-kills who like to spoil
everybody else's sport by blasting around the track the wrong way
taking out all the serious racers. I won't say the denizens of F2 are
a bunch of mincing aesthetes, but they're a bit more refined than the
ego-poisoned bullies who like to throw their weight around in F1
events. Like they say, if a little is good, a lot isn't necessarily
Wouldn't think of it. Go here instead:
a m b i e n t a t m i n d s p r i n g d o t c o m