>Just thought I'd give my two penneth (two cents) for the debate on posts on
>this group.
k go away I am letting you your 15mins of Fame ;-)
Yes it's true the SimRacing community CAN be bery mature on different
subjects. Just go to TEN's Nascar newsgroup (witch is now bigger than
r.a.s.). We talk there about very serious thread without flaming us. We
respect each and others.
This is the purpose of newsgroup. So that everybody can write their own
"essays" and share it to the rest of the world. It's not a 7word answer like
on Chats. It's an art and if you write good people will like you (oops!)
This is true. About 1 year ago, Papyrus was very involved in r.a.s. they
were answering most of our questions to them (thanks Mr. Sokoloff, Mr.
Levesque, etc...). Papyrus is not Microsoft still. Papyrus is the creator
of simracing games. They are the heart of it. Actually when r.a.s. was
created in 1993, me and Gerhard Lingenberg were told by Papyrus crew to go
and create one and have fun. They were encouraging us to share our opinions
and to create a SimRacing community. They known that this way they could
have a good base of Simracers to check up on how we want sims ? What we want
in them ?? etc..
Papyrus went out of r.a.s. and got to TEN's Nascar newsgroup when illegal
posting of tracks was popular. They didn't want NASCAR or Indianapolis
Motor Speedway inc. to see that. They had an image to share and illegal
tracks weren't in their politics. So they want away from here (thanks to all
who did that btw ]-; ). Still I see plenty of website with illegal tracks.
Some of them are ok but some post the BGn tracks entirely, Icr2 tracks
etc... an that relly S*CKS.
But now a new company comes to r.a.s. the biggest of the big (I never said
the best). The company eater. The Northwest killers. (heh!). They come
here like r.a.s. was there terrictory. They come and say to us "We have the
greates Sim ever it is the best". "It is a sim because the tracks are made
by GPS blablablabla". STOP! <car tires squeeling......> Microsoft, you
are ok to come here, it's ok, but don't act like you are the best simulation
racing company in the world. I am pro-microsoft. I kinda like your software
(mainly Excel97 also!). But this is our terrictory, I create r.a.s. and I
don't like your "Roman Empire influence" that you make here. It's not a
great idea to "pay" SimRacers like Julian Data so they can be on your side
and tell to all of us that C:PR is the ultimate. You only did 1 simracing
title, it is "ok" can be much better and car be a great sim. But just don't
tell that presently it is the best Simracing title ever <g>.
Wow about 8months ago I was making plans about a SimRacing banket, were
people could see each other and have SimRacing companies come and show us
their new product (talked with some papy guys about that). It never went
over the beta project, but if it happened, I am sure some of us would get
punched in the face there (kinda like me!).
Well we ALWAYS encourage newbies and rookies to post questions here. The
r.a.s. FAQ made my Micheal E.Carver is made for answering the basic
questions here. Don't be shame to post here. There's always going to be
flames on r.a.s. USENET is made for that. R.a.s. is now celebrating his
4th year of existance (in December 1997) and it passed along MANY flame
fests and bashing fests. And I am still alive, never had a bomb under my car
so Flame fests aren't killing anybody ;-)
We will only want the perfection. If not we would all be stuck on Icr1. We
will always want better sims and the more companies there is the better game
there will be. I am pro-simracing games. I am pro-Papyrus. Pro-Microsoft.
Pro-Microprose. Pro-UbiSoft (they are the only 4company that have
simulation racing titles). But still Microsoft isn't in first place.
Papyrus is always at the top and will stay there easily until 1999.
Heck you can do this anytime ! Don't be shy to do that !
With great respect,
May the downforce be with you,
Good race at the Brickyard, (-o-)
Fran?ois Mnard, "ymenard" on NROS
Team member, Zombie Entreprise
Sponsored by AWPSS, http://www.awpss.com/
SimRacing director, AWPSS
Official PR, AWPSS
Director, The SimRacing Hall-of-Fame
Co-director, Light-Speed
- *Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking) * -