still continues but seems to be ended soon...
Here are the games I tested:
Grand Prix Legends (separate pedals)
Grand Prix 2 (sp)
Monaco Grand Prix (sp)
Sports Car GT (combined pedals)
Nascar 3 (sp)
Toca 2 (cannot remind, seems combined)
GP 500 (combined)
Superbikes World Championship (don't remember)
MS Flight Simulator 98 (just to test landing forces, all
kind of cfgs)
And the system was:
P-III 450 on ASUS P2B with 124Mhz CPU bus and 31Mhz PCI (P-III 558 Mhz)
192 Mb RAM, Fujitsu HDD (it's important sometimes on overclocked machines)
Voodoo 3 3000 AGP with default 166Mhz BIOS 1.00.01 Drivers 1.02.11
SB Live with Live Ware 2.0
Network card
Mouse was not PS/2 and no interrupt assigned to USB to keep a good IRQ
scheme which is:
IRQ 5 - SB Live DOS Emulation
IRQ 9 - AGP/PCI 1 - Voodoo 3
IRQ 10 - PCI 4 - SB Live
IRQ 11 - PCI 2 - Netcard
IRQ's 14/15 - Standart IRQs for IDE controllers
Boys and girls, if you have something works incorrect, try these settings.
If something still stands its point, reinstall Windows fully ANEW. And if
all this magic couldn't get it right, change your hardware. I had no DX7
glitches with any of the wheels and with even both connected and working at
the same time. Just one thing with MS posted once...:) or twice :))
(Please, NOTE, that some software may turn everything upside down, and maybe
your mousepad driver can make your speakers to act as a toaster; then you
followed my advise, reinstalled everything but this driver.... Do not tell
me I broke you toaster...
And it's not guaranteed that you will have ABSOLUTELY no errors. The errors
of the programmers will stay with you. Believe me, friends hunam's , I know
what I am talking about - I have assembled more than 1000 computers in my
I used TM Formula One about 1,5 year and I always thought that it is a good
wheel with a proud name. But some kind of sception about it came
crawling into my mind since I met RAS. I was about to buy Logi, found a good
shop somewhere far that promised to sell the wheel for only $160 (including
Evil spirits !...When our company agent visited their office somewhere over
there, they had nothing but MS and just for $130 !!! Agent called me....
That day I really wanted to buy a wheel....I betook MS to road.
After about a week of waiting I opened a box ... Hmmm... When I saw the
pictures of wheels, MS impressed me much more than Logi. It seemed so cool!
No, I wasn't disappointed, but I thought this Sidewinder should be bigger &
heavier a bit. Do you remember the difference between the plastic and metal
train models and railways ?... Except that, there was nothing anymore to
charge the wheel with. It was great. Shift paddlers were nice. And its
pedals were perfect, especially after times with TMF1... Yes, its pedals
cord which way layed from the right-forward***on the bottom of the pedal
unit -over the front edge-around the gas pedal-back to the bottom over the
front to the center screw-over it - to the brake pedal - over - over - left
***ends a way. This ugly looking scheme worked perfect, I easily could
change the stiffness of the pedals and even vary the stiffness of each
separate pedal ! Anyway, though all that ***worked fine, I was very
pleased to see some pedals which were stiff, but there was no cord web over
it !
* * *
Using MS, I ever had a thought that how much I've lost with it ,when bought:
After about a week of waiting I opened a box ... Hmmm...The wheel color was
not so ugly as it seemed on the pictures. I can live with it, but pedals:
O-o-o-oh. They seemed such a comical ***! My corded Formula seemed just
four-head over ! And the second was tragically small steering angle, just
about 170 degrees ! And this ***y color wheel produced a strange noise of
rubbing from inside when I moved it left-right, and I felt that it has some
friction in its moving parts that hardened the easiest moves and small
corrections. And the paddles were bigger than some wheel of my dream should
The black shadow, the thought of wasted money "thrilled me, filled me with
fantastic terrors never felt before:". Stop, said I, it just a first look.
Remember that about 80% of virtual pilots say : this wheel is really nice.
And here begins connection:
[ to be continued:..]