Yes, a three finger salute will end it, but you have to reboot to bring it
back on, I spend a bit of time in games so it's all too much hassle :)
GPL didn't seem to be affected by it running, I didn't have N4 installed so
can't comment about that, but a few other hardware intensive games didn't
seem to like it being there.
So at the moment this PC has no AV software, I have of course disabled
windows scripting etc. so as to minimise the riskof picking up any viri, but
at the end of the day, there's nothing on this PC of any value which isn't
backed up on at least a weekly basis. A reinstall from a backup only takes
an hour or so :)
My works PC on the other hand has a lot of hardware installed ( 2 printers,
scanner, zip drive, CD writer etc and some software needed for my work
hardware to connect to it so a reinstall takes considerably longer, as would
redoing my work if I lost a weeks worth to a virus, which is why I still
have it running there, though this thread has reminded me that I really
should update the definitions ;)
Ian P
<email invalid due to spam>
> First thanx for the quick re: Ian!!
> Would a Triple finger and then "end task" "Vetray & Vetmsg9x" on both
> of these files running work? I would think so, yes or no?? your input will
> be appreciated.. Tia.. Thom_j.
> P.S. I've run GPL offline. Then N4 off/online today with no real ***
> loss that I could see Ian.. But I do have 512megs of PC133dram in my
> system & a 64meg video card so all seemed ok?..
> | Hi Thom, yes it is a refreshing change to see a large company who still
> | gives the personal PC user free software :)
> | I do use this program on my PC, but only on my work PC. I used to use it
> on
> | both my work and *** PC, I don't like any resources taken away from
> | games so it's no longer running on this one, unfortunately as far as I
> know,
> | there is no way of disabling the program just for the time you want to
> play
> | a game.
> | --
> | Ian P
> | <email invalid due to spam>
> <snipped for space>