> testing
> >So, I'm now in year 2002. with shells full of ultra-modern
> >F1 parts. Some is banned, some not (FIA ruled out the plank
> >last year!).
> >Of course, if I put the most modern stuff I'm heavy and not
> >competitive. If I use obsolete parts, I'm again not
> >competitive.
> >So where the hell is the solution?!?
> >I bought drivers who won races for other teams and with me
> >(I have the best engine as well) they are mid to low placed.
> >Can anybody experienced help me regarding the parts I have
> >to use in the race?
> >I'll appreciate your kind answers on my email
GPM v1 is one of the easiest games to win providing you know how.
1 - Start as one of the top four teams, you will win races. Lower teams
get little or no money and ALWAYS finish low down the order.
2 - Hire as many folk as you can find & put them onto R&D stuff, making
sure that you still get next years car done in time. Once you develop a
new part, test it and then it seams to halve in weight. The only
problem is that when you come to the next season your custom part turns
into the standard part of the level above what you had the previous year
, and is back to full weight.