> It seems that I cannot run more than 28 races in a season, even with 31
> scheduled
> in the calender. I've only got 19 track directories, so I'm well below
> the limit of
> 30. Do I need to re-install? Change some setting? The calender does
> have the
> required 12 99 0 0 XXXXXXXXXX line at the end. ARRGHH!
I was able to run a 35 schedule race with NASCAR I. I found that not
all of the races would show up on the championship season main screen,
however, as I got closer to the races scheduled (that did not appear),
the races were there. I tested the 35 race schedule this way (perhaps
you could try this as well). I set the race length to 1% (one percent)
and then ran through the whole darn schedule. It took a little time,
but I was able to run my entire race schedule. As long as you follow
the format set out in the calendar file (I use notepad editor for
editing it) you should have no problem.
Happy Holidays,
Chuck Bornemann