If you retrieve the new articles in RAS once per day, as I do, look
for the following hints:
- 1000 instead of 250 new messages.
- very short message length in average.
These two alone should be infallible indicators that the patch has
been released. You don't have to read the 750 additional messages,
though. By means of Papyrus' new time machine [compare earlier
coverage] I can present you with a sample of the articles you are
going to find:
Subject: GPL 1.1 available at www.papy.com
The long awaited patch for GPL is available now at
Subject: GPL patch where????
I heard the patch was available. Where can I download it?
[snip 50 additional threads with same content]
Subject: Re: GPL patch where????
Go to www.papy.com, then follow the links to the patch download area.
Subject: Re: GPL patch where????
No, the patch isn't out yet. This is a hoax. If it was available, I
would know it.
Subject: Re: GPL patch where????
I tried that, but the server seems to be down or overloaded...
[snip 350 angry messages of similar content]
Subject: GPL patch now at The Pits.
[snip similar announcements for all major sim-racing sites]
Subject: Papy this sucks!!!! no D3D support!!!
I installed the patch and it has no D3D support blabla....
[snip similar rants regarding the lack of new tracks, wings, NASCAR
body shapes, rain etc. in GPL 1.1]
Subject: Re: Papy this sucks!!!! no D3D support!!!
You have the patch? Is it out yet? Where can I find it?
etc. ad infinitum.
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.