install of Win98 SE last week .before that every thing worked fine. Until I
installed a new printer and had to format.
Now after 2 full days of reloading every thing as clean as possible I cant
get N4 to configure with the N4 configure program. I will get the BLUE
srceen and have to restart. If I do get passed the configure the N4 start up
screen is unreadable and scrambled? I have tried everything with no luck!
the same thing with both installs
PIII 700
256 ram
Hercules 3D prophet II GTS Pro(7.56 referencedrivers)
SB Live
OS win ME
I had directx 8a on the last install with win98SE and thought that was the
problem .I'm totally ready to throw this computer out the window
Thanks for the help in advance
Jeff Smith