Any notebook racers?

Steve Ferguso

Any notebook racers?

by Steve Ferguso » Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Just curious if anyone gets their racing fix way from home on a
notebook?  Myself, I get by with a P166 notebook, carry a tiny Mach 1
joystick on trips, plugged into a PC-Card adapter.  I have to content
myself with GP2 and ICR2.  I'm sure this topic is a non-issue for most
here, but I'd like to hear from other notebook users.  What do you use,
which sims do you run, and what is your perception of the "quality of
experience" (or whatever pseudo-marketing term you like) you get from
notebook racing.  anyone with experience using notebooks with the Rage
Mobility chipset?


Mike Guzi

Any notebook racers?

by Mike Guzi » Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I have a(n older) P150 MMX (256 cache) Hitachi I travel with. Display is
Chips & Tech. 65554 PCI
I mostly run the windows version of IC2 (patched I think) with a cheap
Joystick plugged into a Basics GamePort PCMCIA adapter under 95 (my notebook
doesn't support PCMCIA under DOS do if I want the joystick, I run windows).
I usually wear headphones. As I travel I'll try to run 1 weekend of a
championship each week or two I'm away.

I turn down most of the graphics to keep up my frame-rate, but it's worth

At home I have the Nascar Pro racing wheel on a Pentium II full out. For the
most part I can transfer setup info between the two, but I'm much faster
behind the wheel. I've often wondered if a smaller wheel / handlebar device
would some day be available...

Michael A Guzik

Ian Parke

Any notebook racers?

by Ian Parke » Tue, 23 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Hi, I use an interact PC mini wheel on my older PC, don't know if it will
work on a notebook but I much prefer it to a joystick for racing games, its
not as good as a full size wheel but is (IMO) better than a joystick.

Ian Parker

UKGPL League
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