I can't find my CD, and I need it for the Track Converter.
Thanks :)
I can't find my CD, and I need it for the Track Converter.
Thanks :)
>I can't find my CD, and I need it for the Track Converter.
Unless I'm mistaken, you're better off using the tracks from N3 and
the N3 expansion pack. I sort of remember I-70, actually, didn't
convert properly unless you used the N3 version.
> >Anyone have a spare copy of NR1999 they want to get rid of?
> >I can't find my CD, and I need it for the Track Converter.
> What tracks does the converter use that require NR1999?
> Unless I'm mistaken, you're better off using the tracks from N3 and
> the N3 expansion pack. I sort of remember I-70, actually, didn't
> convert properly unless you used the N3 version.
> Jason