Well, there is an Official Definition, in SAE J670, Vehicle Dynamics
"Steering Sensitivity (Control Gain) - The change in steady-state lateral
acceleration on a level road with respect to change in steering wheel angle
at a given trim and test conditions."
In the USA, this is traditionally expressed in funny units-
"g's/100 degrees of steering wheel"
It is is often measured near center (at perhaps 0.1 or 0.2 "g" lateral
acceleration) and at highway speeds (50-60 mph). The number is often near
to 1.0 for street cars.
But do game developers do their homework???<grin>
> No way! I claim to make the worst jokes in this n.g. by far.
> But to keep on topic; sensitivity indeed is connected to nonlinearity,
> but it can also be directly connected to steering lock. Furthermore, is
> the lowest sensitivity the linear steering and the higher sensitivities
> go towards 'logarithmic'(TM) (there's a new UBI-coined term for you), or
> is the highest sensitivity the linear one and the lowest being
> 'exponential'(TM)? Or, is linear somewhere in between, making the
> dedicated sim racers frustrated as to which point on the infinitely
> adjustable slider corresponds to the nirvana of driving a perfectly
> linear setup? Are we also perhaps talking of speed sensitivity here, or
> maybe nonlinearity coupled with steering lock? The options are endless.
> (which brings us to a plea to all developers; please, use explicit
> descriptions in configurations instead of vague ones. The unwashed
> masses will not know how to configure controls properly anyway, and
> making them obscure to the knowledgeable few will not help in them
> giving free support to the masses either)
> ((boy, I feel like I need a beer))
> (((these multiple brackets sure are a fun new way to explore the written
> word)))
> -Gregor
> > I was making a joke (allmost as bad Veble's notebook joke), but I
> > think sensitivity is the same as lineair/non-lineair indeed.. but now
> > you mention the difference between RT and F1 2001 I'm lost too..
> > thanks a bunch! :)
> > Andre