Just as much as I do any other total stranger - including you. But after
all the hype and promises, I would think that he could at least give us some
kind of word. He was very quick to jump into threads in the past and point
out how great GPaL was going to be, but now there's nothing.
Sure, he doesn't owe anyone here a darn thing. But it would be only polite
to say something after promising the "essential companion to GPL" within a
matter or hours (per his July 14th post) - which was over a month ago. It
is this which makes me think a bit less of him. If it had been me in his
position, I would have let you all know what the problem was by now- or at
least came out and said that it was on indefinite hold. Yes, real life
certainly has its demands as we all know, but somehow I don't think that the
few minutes it might take to post here is going to break him. And if people
flamed him for telling us the truth about where he/it stood, then so be it.
You can't please everyone, but you should at least be honest with them.
One thing which does bother me is that perhaps he's had some kind of
accident or something. Does anybody know if he's alright? The man could be
dead and buried by now and we might never know. I heard something like this
actually happened in the middle of a debate in another newsgroup, and that
people were flaming someone who had passed on. Now that would be a sad