polarized glasses to deal with "simulator sickness"
issues/photosensitive seizure etc.
(little background reading follows)
"Cross polarized spectacles in photosensitive epilepsy.
Jain S, Woodruff G, Bissessar EA.
Department of Ophthalmology, Leicester Royal Infirmary and Northampton
General Hospital, United Kingdom.
PURPOSE: To investigate the role of cross polarized spectacles in the
treatment of photosensitivity demonstrable by EEG. METHOD: Patients
receiving an EEG who tested positive for photosensitivity were invited
to participate in the study. The most sensitive light flicker
frequency causing a photic response was determined for each patient.
Stimulation was repeated with 2 different pairs of spectacles--1
conventionally polarized and the other cross polarized. An EEG was
obtained in each case and reported by a neurophysiologist who was
unaware of the identity of the 2 types of spectacles. RESULTS: We
tested 19 patients, 8 to 18 years of age. Two patients did not benefit
from either pair of glasses. In 17 patients, the photic response was
greatly diminished or eliminated by polarizing spectacles. In 1
patient, conventional polarized glasses helped, but the cross
polarized spectacles did not. In 6 patients, both types of spectacles
were equally effective; in 10 patients, cross polarized spectacles
were more effective than conventionally polarized spectacles.
CONCLUSION: The role of cross polarized spectacles in the management
of photosensitivity in a clinical situation merits further