N3 and WinAmp


N3 and WinAmp

by Rob » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Hey gang...

I have a PII 350 with 192MB of PC100 RAM, VooDoo3, and SBLive.  I've tried
racing with N3 with WinAmp on in the background so I have something to
listen to durring long races.  Unfortunately, I get a lot of stuttering in
N3.  I was just wondering if anyone with a faster CPU has tried this and
what their results were.  Also, is there another MP3 player out there that
might use less CPU cycles?

Thanks for any info...



N3 and WinAmp

by Paul » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

MP3's require quite a lot of your processors cycles, as they are
decompressed "on the fly" while the file is playing.  N3 is demanding on
your PC, and trying to play MP3's at the same time will generate very low
frame rates.  AFAIK, it doesn't matter what MP3 player you use, they all
work the same way.  Maybe you could put a stereo in the room, if you don't
want to listen to your spotter and tires during a race. :)

Western States Racing League

Don Burnett

N3 and WinAmp

by Don Burnett » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I have a Celeron 300a running at 464 mhz, with 128 mb of pc100 ram, voodoo3,
and sblive.
I can run N3 with winamp on in the background with no stuttering. You did
not specifiy online or offline, mine is offline, I have not tried it racing

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends


N3 and WinAmp

by Benjam » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

I run sometimes with RealJukebox playing a good sized playlist of
mp3's set to loop and shuffle, and have not had any problems with slow
down - either by myself or online with ONE other person using direct
tcp/ip - I haven't tried it using WinAmp (i haven't used WA since
installing RJ) and I haven't tried it with more than one other online

this is on a P3 550 mhz with 128mb ram and a 16mb 3dfx card

>Hey gang...

>I have a PII 350 with 192MB of PC100 RAM, VooDoo3, and SBLive.  I've tried
>racing with N3 with WinAmp on in the background so I have something to
>listen to durring long races.  Unfortunately, I get a lot of stuttering in
>N3.  I was just wondering if anyone with a faster CPU has tried this and
>what their results were.  Also, is there another MP3 player out there that
>might use less CPU cycles?

>Thanks for any info...

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