NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

Chuck Stuar

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Chuck Stuar » Sun, 21 Jul 1996 04:00:00

> Everyone --

> I have submitted a RFD (request for discussion) to the
> news.announce.newgroups and news.groups newsgroups.  A carbon copy is
> being sent to

> The procedure for applying for a new group or reorganization of a
> specific group is quite long and detailed.  Basically, a detailed RFD
> is written up, whereupon a 21 day long discussion period is
> news.groups newsgroup.  If the RFD is passed, a RFV (Request for
> votes) will go out to this group and the aforementioned USENET admin
> groups, whereupon you will be informed on how you can vote.

> FYI, I proposed a division of r.a.s. into:


> Just so you know that the official wheels are turning.  We should know
> within the next 3 weeks if the proposal makes it past the admins.
> --
> Tony Johns (Hawaii: IWCCCARS)
> IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

Great but I would prefer:

Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA

Chuck Stuar

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Chuck Stuar » Sun, 21 Jul 1996 04:00:00

The new format, if any, is what the discussion period will decide.
FLAMERS. Save it for the discussion. The die is already cast and the wheels are in
motion. Options should be expressed in NEWS.GROUPS, NOT HERE. PLEASE, DO NOT RESPOND TO
of the progress.

Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA

Tony Joh

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Tony Joh » Sun, 21 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Everyone --

I have submitted a RFD (request for discussion) to the
news.announce.newgroups and news.groups newsgroups.  A carbon copy is
being sent to

The procedure for applying for a new group or reorganization of a
specific group is quite long and detailed.  Basically, a detailed RFD
is written up, whereupon a 21 day long discussion period is
news.groups newsgroup.  If the RFD is passed, a RFV (Request for
votes) will go out to this group and the aforementioned USENET admin
groups, whereupon you will be informed on how you can vote.

FYI, I proposed a division of r.a.s. into:

Just so you know that the official wheels are turning.  We should know
within the next 3 weeks if the proposal makes it past the admins.
Tony Johns (Hawaii: IWCCCARS)
IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

Ed Mart

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Ed Mart » Mon, 22 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>Everyone --
>I have submitted a RFD (request for discussion) to the
>news.announce.newgroups and news.groups newsgroups.  A carbon copy is
>being sent to
>The procedure for applying for a new group or reorganization of a
>specific group is quite long and detailed.  Basically, a detailed RFD
>is written up, whereupon a 21 day long discussion period is
>news.groups newsgroup.  If the RFD is passed, a RFV (Request for
>votes) will go out to this group and the aforementioned USENET admin
>groups, whereupon you will be informed on how you can vote.
>FYI, I proposed a division of r.a.s. into:
>Just so you know that the official wheels are turning.  We should know
>within the next 3 weeks if the proposal makes it past the admins.
>Tony Johns (Hawaii: IWCCCARS)
>IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

Following is a posting I made to another thread... thought it made
sense here as well:

>I also vote no, i think Ed would too, he would have to go from the ICR
>newsgroup and the Nascar one back and forth to answer questions. Plus, i
>like to hear about ICR2 and GP2 even if i only have Nascar.
>-Keith Speroni

Well, actually, I vote YES.

First, I want to make it very clear that I do enjoy reading about all
of the racing sims out there.  From a personal and professional
perspective, I think it's great.  However, in trying to be a nice guy
& answer Papyrus questions online, to me, is just
too much.  Here are a few things that have me on the verge of
disappearing from r.a.s.:

1) Ignorant flames.  Hey, I don't mind taking some heat up here.
However, when things get totally out of hand like they did with the
ICR 2 patch, that's when I say ENOUGH.  I said then that I would never
make another post regarding ICR 2 and I never will.  Was it a bad
situation?  Yes.  Did the postings/flames go way too far?  Absolutely.
Who ends up losing? Not me!  I don't NEED to be here.  I don't NEED to
try to help answer questions.  The people who pushed my too far on the
ICR 2 issue know who they are, and I hope they realize the result.  I
never will comment on the product again... I don't even read the
threads anymore.  Who's going to answer your questions now?  

2) Piracy.  For God's sake, people, if you're going to try to rip hard
working people off by freely distributing software, DON'T DO IT IN
FRONT OF THEM.  Do you know how many times I've seen stuff up here
about FTP sites, warez newsgroups, Daytona hacks, Indianapolis Motor
Speedway give-aways, and the like.  You know how that makes me feel?
I'll tell you... every time, my reaction is "why the hell am I up here
trying to help people like this?"  The only thing that keeps me coming
back is the realization that it is the vast minority of people who are
doing this, and there are a lot more honest people that I'm hopefully
helping than there are scum-bags trying to rip off my company.  But
that realizaton is starting to wear thin.  

3) Noise.  There is so much traffic up here, it's tough to find what
you're looking for.  The result is that peolple ask the same things
over & over again.  Also, the same discussions end up taking place in
multiple threads.

4) My latest favorite: bogus postings.  Some idiot thought it would be
funny to post something with my name on it this weekend.  That's the
stuff that puts me over the edge.  Do I need this?  What a total

Just about all of the arguements up here that I've heard against
spliting r.a.s. up have been along the lines of "hey, I like reading
about all the different racing sims".   OK, so explain to me why
splitting r.a.s. into separate areas of interest would prohibit this?

I think we should split r.a.s. into differnet areas.  You know what?
I'll frequent every one of them.  However, it will give me the the
ability to approach each one differently, sort through the noise more
efficiently, and enjoy each one of them more than r.a.s.  Yes, in
comparison to many other newsgroups, this one is "moderate" in the
amount of trafic it gets.  However, that doesn't mean that it's not
time to split this one up.  There are some VERY focused areas of
interest up here, each deserving of it own forum.  Remember, just
because r.a.s. gets split up doesn't mean that you can't take part in
each of the pieces.  Spliting it up is just going to make it easier &

I fully support Tony's formal proposal to "the powers that be" to
split r.a.s. up into focus areas, and I will actively take part in the
official discussions & voting processs that is about to ensue.  I
encourage all of you to do the same.

Ed Martin
Producer, Series Director
NASCAR Racing League
Papyrus / Sierra On-Line, Inc.

Michael E. Carv

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Michael E. Carv » Mon, 22 Jul 1996 04:00:00

: 1) Ignorant flames.  Hey, I don't mind taking some heat up here.
: However, when things get totally out of hand like they did with the
: ICR 2 patch, that's when I say ENOUGH.  I said then that I would never
: make another post regarding ICR 2 and I never will.  Was it a bad
: situation?  Yes.  Did the postings/flames go way too far?  Absolutely.
: Who ends up losing? Not me!  I don't NEED to be here.  I don't NEED to
: try to help answer questions.  The people who pushed my too far on the
: ICR 2 issue know who they are, and I hope they realize the result.  I
: never will comment on the product again... I don't even read the
: threads anymore.  Who's going to answer your questions now?  

Fair enough.  However, where's the logic?  If a newsgroup is not
moderated, how is splitting it up going to stop arsonists?

: 2) Piracy.  For God's sake, people, if you're going to try to rip hard
: working people off by freely distributing software, DON'T DO IT IN
: FRONT OF THEM.  Do you know how many times I've seen stuff up here
: about FTP sites, warez newsgroups, Daytona hacks, Indianapolis Motor
: Speedway give-aways, and the like.  You know how that makes me feel?
: I'll tell you... every time, my reaction is "why the hell am I up here
: trying to help people like this?"  The only thing that keeps me coming
: back is the realization that it is the vast minority of people who are
: doing this, and there are a lot more honest people that I'm hopefully
: helping than there are scum-bags trying to rip off my company.  But
: that realizaton is starting to wear thin.  

Fair enough.  However, I once again fail to see the logic?  How is
splitting up a newsgroup going to stop the "pirate" posts?  A moderated
newsgroup is the only way to accomplish this.

: 3) Noise.  There is so much traffic up here, it's tough to find what
: you're looking for.  The result is that peolple ask the same things
: over & over again.  Also, the same discussions end up taking place in
: multiple threads.

Fair enough.  However, the logic is still weak here.  Just because a
newsgroup is devoted to NASCAR, there will always be simultaneous
discussions split up over multiple threads.  That is why a good
newsgroup has FAQ's.  The only advantage here in splitting up the group,
is that maybe (and I say "maybe"), it will be easier for someone to
maintain a FAQ.  However, that could have been easily accomplished here
on r.a.s. -- a FAQ maintained for each "discipline".  I haven't seen a
FAQ for this group since Peter Burke maintained one for ICR1.  People
ask the same questions over & over again because of the nature of the
beast.  Some people are new to the group and didn't see the old threads
(they have either expired or their server expired them sooner due to
storage space concerns).  Some people don't visit the group as often as
the hard core junkies (& I say that in the kindest sense).  Therefore,
they missed out on that discussion.   Again, splitting up a newsgroup
will not solve this problem.

: 4) My latest favorite: bogus postings.  Some idiot thought it would be
: funny to post something with my name on it this weekend.  That's the
: stuff that puts me over the edge.  Do I need this?  What a total
: moron!

Totally agree!  However, again unless you have a moderated newsgroup how
does splitting up a newsgroup solve the problem?

: Just about all of the arguements up here that I've heard against
: spliting r.a.s. up have been along the lines of "hey, I like reading
: about all the different racing sims".   OK, so explain to me why
: splitting r.a.s. into separate areas of interest would prohibit this?

: I think we should split r.a.s. into differnet areas.  You know what?
: I'll frequent every one of them.  However, it will give me the the
: ability to approach each one differently, sort through the noise more
: efficiently, and enjoy each one of them more than r.a.s.  Yes, in
: comparison to many other newsgroups, this one is "moderate" in the
: amount of trafic it gets.  However, that doesn't mean that it's not
: time to split this one up.  There are some VERY focused areas of
: interest up here, each deserving of it own forum.  Remember, just
: because r.a.s. gets split up doesn't mean that you can't take part in
: each of the pieces.  Spliting it up is just going to make it easier &
: better.

Can't debate this issue as it is purely a personal preference.

In closing Ed, it sounds like what you are really looking for is
a moderated newsgroup.  This is the ONLY way to solve the other issues
you outlined.  Splitting up a newsgroup to solve these issues is purely
a panacea.  One simply spreads the problem over a wider area so it
appears that it is better.

I am not flaming and I am not knocking Ed for his point of view.  This
is purely an open and frank discussion of the issues at hand.  Thanks
for listening...

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

John Wallac

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by John Wallac » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

[big snip]

Hi Kyle,

Don't think of this as a complaint, but is it really necessary to quote
the whole of someone's message just to add only two lines at the end?

My newsreader also quotes everything when I respond to a post (unless I
highlight some specific text for it to choose), but I then delete
everything not directly relevant. It's just easier than having to scroll
down two pages to read a couple of added lines of comment.

As I said, not a complaint, just a suggestion.


         __    _____|                                 |_____    __
________|  |__|    :|           John Wallace          |     |__|  |________

  \    :|  |::|    :|        Team WW Racing TSW       |     |::|  |     /
    >  :|  |::|    :|_________________________________|     |::|  |   <
  /    :|__|::|____/       * Sim Racing News *         \____|::|__|     \
/______:/  \::/ \::/  \._____\

Kyle Langst

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Kyle Langst » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>: 1) Ignorant flames.  Hey, I don't mind taking some heat up here.
>: However, when things get totally out of hand like they did with the
>: ICR 2 patch, that's when I say ENOUGH.  I said then that I would never
>: make another post regarding ICR 2 and I never will.  Was it a bad
>: situation?  Yes.  Did the postings/flames go way too far?  Absolutely.
>: Who ends up losing? Not me!  I don't NEED to be here.  I don't NEED to
>: try to help answer questions.  The people who pushed my too far on the
>: ICR 2 issue know who they are, and I hope they realize the result.  I
>: never will comment on the product again... I don't even read the
>: threads anymore.  Who's going to answer your questions now?  
>Fair enough.  However, where's the logic?  If a newsgroup is not
>moderated, how is splitting it up going to stop arsonists?
>: 2) Piracy.  For God's sake, people, if you're going to try to rip hard
>: working people off by freely distributing software, DON'T DO IT IN
>: FRONT OF THEM.  Do you know how many times I've seen stuff up here
>: about FTP sites, warez newsgroups, Daytona hacks, Indianapolis Motor
>: Speedway give-aways, and the like.  You know how that makes me feel?
>: I'll tell you... every time, my reaction is "why the hell am I up here
>: trying to help people like this?"  The only thing that keeps me coming
>: back is the realization that it is the vast minority of people who are
>: doing this, and there are a lot more honest people that I'm hopefully
>: helping than there are scum-bags trying to rip off my company.  But
>: that realizaton is starting to wear thin.  
>Fair enough.  However, I once again fail to see the logic?  How is
>splitting up a newsgroup going to stop the "pirate" posts?  A moderated
>newsgroup is the only way to accomplish this.
>: 3) Noise.  There is so much traffic up here, it's tough to find what
>: you're looking for.  The result is that peolple ask the same things
>: over & over again.  Also, the same discussions end up taking place in
>: multiple threads.
>Fair enough.  However, the logic is still weak here.  Just because a
>newsgroup is devoted to NASCAR, there will always be simultaneous
>discussions split up over multiple threads.  That is why a good
>newsgroup has FAQ's.  The only advantage here in splitting up the group,
>is that maybe (and I say "maybe"), it will be easier for someone to
>maintain a FAQ.  However, that could have been easily accomplished here
>on r.a.s. -- a FAQ maintained for each "discipline".  I haven't seen a
>FAQ for this group since Peter Burke maintained one for ICR1.  People
>ask the same questions over & over again because of the nature of the
>beast.  Some people are new to the group and didn't see the old threads
>(they have either expired or their server expired them sooner due to
>storage space concerns).  Some people don't visit the group as often as
>the hard core junkies (& I say that in the kindest sense).  Therefore,
>they missed out on that discussion.   Again, splitting up a newsgroup
>will not solve this problem.
>: 4) My latest favorite: bogus postings.  Some idiot thought it would be
>: funny to post something with my name on it this weekend.  That's the
>: stuff that puts me over the edge.  Do I need this?  What a total
>: moron!
>Totally agree!  However, again unless you have a moderated newsgroup how
>does splitting up a newsgroup solve the problem?
>: Just about all of the arguements up here that I've heard against
>: spliting r.a.s. up have been along the lines of "hey, I like reading
>: about all the different racing sims".   OK, so explain to me why
>: splitting r.a.s. into separate areas of interest would prohibit this?
>: I think we should split r.a.s. into differnet areas.  You know what?
>: I'll frequent every one of them.  However, it will give me the the
>: ability to approach each one differently, sort through the noise more
>: efficiently, and enjoy each one of them more than r.a.s.  Yes, in
>: comparison to many other newsgroups, this one is "moderate" in the
>: amount of trafic it gets.  However, that doesn't mean that it's not
>: time to split this one up.  There are some VERY focused areas of
>: interest up here, each deserving of it own forum.  Remember, just
>: because r.a.s. gets split up doesn't mean that you can't take part in
>: each of the pieces.  Spliting it up is just going to make it easier &
>: better.
>Can't debate this issue as it is purely a personal preference.
>In closing Ed, it sounds like what you are really looking for is
>a moderated newsgroup.  This is the ONLY way to solve the other issues
>you outlined.  Splitting up a newsgroup to solve these issues is purely
>a panacea.  One simply spreads the problem over a wider area so it
>appears that it is better.
>I am not flaming and I am not knocking Ed for his point of view.  This
>is purely an open and frank discussion of the issues at hand.  Thanks
>for listening...
>**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************

I don't think Ed was providing reasons for the creation of a new group
so much as he was detailing his frustrations dealing with this one.

Kyle Langston

Ed Mart

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Ed Mart » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00

>>: 1) Ignorant flames.  Hey, I don't mind taking some heat up here.
>>: However, when things get totally out of hand like they did with the
>>: ICR 2 patch, that's when I say ENOUGH.  I said then that I would never
>>: make another post regarding ICR 2 and I never will.  Was it a bad
>>: situation?  Yes.  Did the postings/flames go way too far?  Absolutely.
>>: Who ends up losing? Not me!  I don't NEED to be here.  I don't NEED to
>>: try to help answer questions.  The people who pushed my too far on the
>>: ICR 2 issue know who they are, and I hope they realize the result.  I
>>: never will comment on the product again... I don't even read the
>>: threads anymore.  Who's going to answer your questions now?  
>>Fair enough.  However, where's the logic?  If a newsgroup is not
>>moderated, how is splitting it up going to stop arsonists?
>>: 2) Piracy.  For God's sake, people, if you're going to try to rip hard
>>: working people off by freely distributing software, DON'T DO IT IN
>>: FRONT OF THEM.  Do you know how many times I've seen stuff up here
>>: about FTP sites, warez newsgroups, Daytona hacks, Indianapolis Motor
>>: Speedway give-aways, and the like.  You know how that makes me feel?
>>: I'll tell you... every time, my reaction is "why the hell am I up here
>>: trying to help people like this?"  The only thing that keeps me coming
>>: back is the realization that it is the vast minority of people who are
>>: doing this, and there are a lot more honest people that I'm hopefully
>>: helping than there are scum-bags trying to rip off my company.  But
>>: that realizaton is starting to wear thin.  
>>Fair enough.  However, I once again fail to see the logic?  How is
>>splitting up a newsgroup going to stop the "pirate" posts?  A moderated
>>newsgroup is the only way to accomplish this.
>>: 3) Noise.  There is so much traffic up here, it's tough to find what
>>: you're looking for.  The result is that peolple ask the same things
>>: over & over again.  Also, the same discussions end up taking place in
>>: multiple threads.
>>Fair enough.  However, the logic is still weak here.  Just because a
>>newsgroup is devoted to NASCAR, there will always be simultaneous
>>discussions split up over multiple threads.  That is why a good
>>newsgroup has FAQ's.  The only advantage here in splitting up the group,
>>is that maybe (and I say "maybe"), it will be easier for someone to
>>maintain a FAQ.  However, that could have been easily accomplished here
>>on r.a.s. -- a FAQ maintained for each "discipline".  I haven't seen a
>>FAQ for this group since Peter Burke maintained one for ICR1.  People
>>ask the same questions over & over again because of the nature of the
>>beast.  Some people are new to the group and didn't see the old threads
>>(they have either expired or their server expired them sooner due to
>>storage space concerns).  Some people don't visit the group as often as
>>the hard core junkies (& I say that in the kindest sense).  Therefore,
>>they missed out on that discussion.   Again, splitting up a newsgroup
>>will not solve this problem.
>>: 4) My latest favorite: bogus postings.  Some idiot thought it would be
>>: funny to post something with my name on it this weekend.  That's the
>>: stuff that puts me over the edge.  Do I need this?  What a total
>>: moron!
>>Totally agree!  However, again unless you have a moderated newsgroup how
>>does splitting up a newsgroup solve the problem?
>>: Just about all of the arguements up here that I've heard against
>>: spliting r.a.s. up have been along the lines of "hey, I like reading
>>: about all the different racing sims".   OK, so explain to me why
>>: splitting r.a.s. into separate areas of interest would prohibit this?
>>: I think we should split r.a.s. into differnet areas.  You know what?
>>: I'll frequent every one of them.  However, it will give me the the
>>: ability to approach each one differently, sort through the noise more
>>: efficiently, and enjoy each one of them more than r.a.s.  Yes, in
>>: comparison to many other newsgroups, this one is "moderate" in the
>>: amount of trafic it gets.  However, that doesn't mean that it's not
>>: time to split this one up.  There are some VERY focused areas of
>>: interest up here, each deserving of it own forum.  Remember, just
>>: because r.a.s. gets split up doesn't mean that you can't take part in
>>: each of the pieces.  Spliting it up is just going to make it easier &
>>: better.
>>Can't debate this issue as it is purely a personal preference.
>>In closing Ed, it sounds like what you are really looking for is
>>a moderated newsgroup.  This is the ONLY way to solve the other issues
>>you outlined.  Splitting up a newsgroup to solve these issues is purely
>>a panacea.  One simply spreads the problem over a wider area so it
>>appears that it is better.
>>I am not flaming and I am not knocking Ed for his point of view.  This
>>is purely an open and frank discussion of the issues at hand.  Thanks
>>for listening...
>>**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
>I don't think Ed was providing reasons for the creation of a new group
>so much as he was detailing his frustrations dealing with this one.
>Kyle Langston

Exactly right, Kyle.

On a related note, Tony Johns & a number of other "famous" r.a.s.
people have been communicating via e-mail about this for quite a while
now.  As a representative of one of the companies that creates these
sims, I don't think it's appropriate for me/us to take the lead in
this whole thing.  However, I'm fully behind Tony' initiative to
create multiple focused r.a.s.'s, and I don't necessarily think it
would be the worst thing in the world if they were moderated (however,
I would be part of them in either case).

I want to again voice my plea for Tony & Thomas to try to get in synch
on this whole thing.  I think they both have the same good idea, but I
think if it's going to be done, we need more than just  That's hardly fair to the other areas of
interest up here -- all of which I want to be part of.

BTW... this is the best damned discussion I've seen on r.a.s. in a
LONG time -- intelligent, "professional", articulate & insightful.  I
applaude eveyone who is participating!  I wish it worked this way all
the time.  The fact that it doesn't is exactly the problem.

Ed Martin
Producer, Series Director
NASCAR Racing League
Papyrus / Sierra On-Line, Inc.

Kenneth Howe

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Kenneth Howe » Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:00:00


> Just so you know that the official wheels are turning.  We should know
> within the next 3 weeks if the proposal makes it past the admins.

Thank god.  I am only interested in Nascar and I get tired of sifting through 200+ messages
a day on "GP2 IS OUT IN CAMBODIA" or where ever.



NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Jo » Sat, 27 Jul 1996 04:00:00 (Ed Martin) wrote:
> (Kyle Langston) wrote:
>> (Michael E. Carver) wrote:
>>>Ed Martin ( wrote:
>>>: 1) Ignorant flames.  Hey, I don't mind taking some heat up here.
>>>: However, when things get totally out of hand like they did with the
>>>: ICR 2 patch, that's when I say ENOUGH.  I said then that I would never
>>>: make another post regarding ICR 2 and I never will.  Was it a bad
>>>: situation?  Yes.  Did the postings/flames go way too far?  Absolutely.
>>>: Who ends up losing? Not me!  I don't NEED to be here.  I don't NEED to
>>>: try to help answer questions.  The people who pushed my too far on the
>>>: ICR 2 issue know who they are, and I hope they realize the result.  I
>>>: never will comment on the product again... I don't even read the
>>>: threads anymore.  Who's going to answer your questions now?  

Please, just let the ICR2 thing go. The vast majority of respectul
people using ICR2 and reading this newsgroup were the ones punished,
not you. I read the flames, I know what you are talking about- very
bad flames. But  this is USENET, there is no avoiding that sort of
junk. It is best to ignore them and focus on the people being
respectful, as Rick generally did. That is how this medium works.

I sort of wanted to just let the whole thing die, but since you've
brought up ICR2 again, there is something I feel obliged to share. It
was pretty obvious that Sierra/Papyrus  threw you in to the ICR2
threads, and that you had no interest whatsoever in being there. And I
would say that is a lousy job to shove on anyone, given the state
things had degraded to due to Sierra's support neglect of ICR2. But
what stinks is that now it seems like you are using the poor ICR2
slobs that have been left in limbo by Sierra for corporate reasons, to
make an example of us to the NASCAR guys- like "If you NASCAR guys act
up like the ICR2ers, I and Sierra will drop you too!"

As if that is why ICR2ers really were being dropped.

All this may just be a creative corporate technique, or maybe it is
just an unconcious thing... but whichever, they sort of work together-
you really didn't want to be in the threads anyway, and you took the
first ticket out of there, sort of like Sierra's whole attitude with

Please, let the ICR2 thing go- we lose, we have lost, and I think
everyone already knows that Sierra doesn't give a damn about ICR2- it
bought Papy because of NASCAR, and people who bought/buy ICR2 are out
to hang. Ya, we figured that one out- took 8 months, but it is plain
as day to anybody who lived through the last 8 months.

Sierra has not bettered it's name with this manouver.

>>>: 2) Piracy.  For God's sake, people, if you're going to try to rip hard
>>>: working people off by freely distributing software, DON'T DO IT IN
>>>: FRONT OF THEM.  Do you know how many times I've seen stuff up here
>>>: about FTP sites, warez newsgroups, Daytona hacks, Indianapolis Motor
>>>: Speedway give-aways, and the like.  You know how that makes me feel?
>>>: I'll tell you... every time, my reaction is "why the hell am I up here
>>>: trying to help people like this?"  The only thing that keeps me coming
>>>: back is the realization that it is the vast minority of people who are
>>>: doing this, and there are a lot more honest people that I'm hopefully
>>>: helping than there are scum-bags trying to rip off my company.  But
>>>: that realizaton is starting to wear thin.  

What is this, another "creative corporate technique?!?" It is no
surprise to anyone that Sierra is not in love with piracy of their

And I'm certainly against priacy as much as the next guy, I paid for
my INDY500, ICR, NASCAR, ICR2 and now MP's GP2. It is a little sad
that with ICR2 I paid for something that will never complete it's
evolution to a fully working sim. I know that is not piracy... but
what should we call that? Sad, is about all I can think of.

>>>: 3) Noise.  There is so much traffic up here, it's tough to find what
>>>: you're looking for.  The result is that peolple ask the same things
>>>: over & over again.  Also, the same discussions end up taking place in
>>>: multiple threads.


>>>: 4) My latest favorite: bogus postings.  Some idiot thought it would be
>>>: funny to post something with my name on it this weekend.  That's the
>>>: stuff that puts me over the edge.  Do I need this?  What a total
>>>: moron!

This is USENET for christ sake- Don't you realize that you are asking
some depraved, angry guy to do it again? You just can't taunt ,
discipline, or threaten around USENET without consequences, that is
something we all have had to learn at some point or another about this

Sierra might want to take some tips from Microprose- Tonight I learned
how Crammond does it. Read the threads: MP says he has some guys
extract posts for him, so he doesn't get flamed, and doesn't really
have to deal with USENET bizarrity.

>>>: Just about all of the arguements up here that I've heard against
>>>: spliting r.a.s. up have been along the lines of "hey, I like reading
>>>: about all the different racing sims".   OK, so explain to me why
>>>: splitting r.a.s. into separate areas of interest would prohibit this?

Let 'em split, I agree with you. But first it must be established that
all people getting R.A.S. now could get the three split groups too...
that may not work, and then a lot of people are left in the dark.

>>>: I think we should split r.a.s. into differnet areas.  You know what?
>>>: I'll frequent every one of them.  However, it will give me the the
>>>: ability to approach each one differently, sort through the noise more
>>>: efficiently, and enjoy each one of them more than r.a.s.  Yes, in
>>>: comparison to many other newsgroups, this one is "moderate" in the
>>>: amount of trafic it gets.  However, that doesn't mean that it's not
>>>: time to split this one up.  There are some VERY focused areas of
>>>: interest up here, each deserving of it own forum.  Remember, just
>>>: because r.a.s. gets split up doesn't mean that you can't take part in
>>>: each of the pieces.  Spliting it up is just going to make it easier &
>>>: better.

I'm all for the splitting. I think it would be good for everyone.
NASCAR might even want a separate Hawaii group, since that seems to be
it's own sort of discussion.

>>>Can't debate this issue as it is purely a personal preference.
>>>In closing Ed, it sounds like what you are really looking for is
>>>a moderated newsgroup.

Just a reminder to all: Ed is speaking here for himself, sure, but he
also is representing a product and a corporation. I think you can bet
money that Sierra would love the group to be moderated, and they would
love to step up to the job. Remember,  this isn't like a newsgroup
discussing aeronautics or philosophy, this is a group centered around
comercial products. I think that makes it very difficult and dangerous
to moderate.

>>>  This is the ONLY way to solve the other issues
>>>you outlined.  Splitting up a newsgroup to solve these issues is purely
>>>a panacea.  One simply spreads the problem over a wider area so it
>>>appears that it is better.

Racing sims seem to be getting more popular, and inevitably they will
have to split or lose readership. R.A.S. is a "wild and wooly" beast
as it is now. What would be wrong with having 2 or three other groups
to subscribe to?

The only worry is that perhaps a lot of servers wouldn't pick the new
groups up, for whatever reason... in that case, it could get scary;
ICR2 threads could, for instance, could just evaporate for many USENET
readers. I just don't know how that stuff works.

>>>I am not flaming and I am not knocking Ed for his point of view.  This
>>>is purely an open and frank discussion of the issues at hand.  Thanks
>>>for listening...

Michael, you are a good man. If there were a moderator, you should get
paid for the job.

>>>**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
>>I don't think Ed was providing reasons for the creation of a new group
>>so much as he was detailing his frustrations dealing with this one.
>>Kyle Langston
>>E-mail -
>>PowWow -
>Exactly right, Kyle.
>On a related note, Tony Johns & a number of other "famous" r.a.s.
>people have been communicating via e-mail about this for quite a while
>now.  As a representative of one of the companies that creates these
>sims, I don't think it's appropriate for me/us to take the lead in
>this whole thing.  However, I'm fully behind Tony' initiative to
>create multiple focused r.a.s.'s, and I don't necessarily think it
>would be the worst thing in the world if they were moderated (however,
>I would be part of them in either case).
>I want to again voice my plea for Tony & Thomas to try to get in synch
>on this whole thing.  I think they both have the same good idea, but I
>think if it's going to be done, we need more than just
>  That's hardly fair to the other areas of
>interest up here -- all of which I want to be part of.
>BTW... this is the best damned discussion I've seen on r.a.s. in a
>LONG time -- intelligent, "professional", articulate & insightful.  I
>applaude eveyone who is participating!  I wish it worked this way all
>the time.  The fact that it doesn't is exactly the problem.

You are a smart guy, so you must know that ICR2ers feel (right or
wrongly) that they got royally ripped off, so we all know why the ICR2
threads reached a boiling point.  People started to realise that they
were getting cut off, and they flipped out.

I really think you'd benefit from Rick's old method- just don't
respond to anything not worthy of response. And about people faking
your name- sure, that really sucks, but let me point something out:
you threatened all ICR2ers because of the actions of a minority, and
of course some people, already feeling ripped off ...

read more »

Terje Wold Johans

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Terje Wold Johans » Tue, 27 Aug 1996 04:00:00

Is there any movement on this issue?

I support the split a solid 100% and we ought make it happen
ASAP for all too obvious reasons.

Below are the suggested groups for the uninformed:

--- Terje Wold Johansen

--- "I am your inferior superior." O.W.

James Bev

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by James Bev » Wed, 28 Aug 1996 04:00:00

[snip RFD1.0]

We're waiting for the RFD v3.0 to appear in news.groups - then we'll start  
discussing it again.  FYI, it no longer resembles the split you quoted  

Please join in when it happens - it seems there is only a handful of us  
deciding the future shape of r.a.s. at the moment.  If you have an opinion  
about how it should look, then we need to hear it - this goes for everyone  
reading this post.

>Below are the suggested groups for the uninformed:

>>FYI, I proposed a division of r.a.s. into:

>--- Terje Wold Johansen

>--- "I am your inferior superior." O.W.

James Bevan

NeXTMail & MIME welcome

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by gyo.. » Wed, 28 Aug 1996 04:00:00

> Johansen) writes:

> [snip RFD1.0]

> >Is there any movement on this issue?

> >I support the split a solid 100% and we ought make it happen
> >ASAP for all too obvious reasons.

> We're waiting for the RFD v3.0 to appear in news.groups - then we'll start
> discussing it again.  FYI, it no longer resembles the split you quoted
> below.

> Please join in when it happens - it seems there is only a handful of us
> deciding the future shape of r.a.s. at the moment.  If you have an opinion
> about how it should look, then we need to hear it - this goes for everyone
> reading this post.

> >Below are the suggested groups for the uninformed:

> >>FYI, I proposed a division of r.a.s. into:

> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >--- Terje Wold Johansen

> >---
> >--- "I am your inferior superior." O.W.

> James
> --
> James Bevan

> NeXTMail & MIME welcome

I would love to see some sort split or re-organisation of ras.

It would be much better to just able to read the articles one is
interested in rather than wading through the many articles that appear
on ras.

I am only really interested in GP2 & ICR so therefore would prefer to
see these as separate groups.   I am not trying to play down the nascar
people as I am sure, also, they do not wish to plough through the f1
type posts also.

I agree with Terje's proposals for the different newsgroups he listed,
good idea.

Here's hoping for some development in the near future.


James Bev

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by James Bev » Wed, 28 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>> Please join in when it happens - it seems there is only a handful of us
>> deciding the future shape of r.a.s. at the moment.  If you have an  
>> about how it should look, then we need to hear it - this goes for  
>> reading this post.


>I would love to see some sort split or re-organisation of ras.

>It would be much better to just able to read the articles one is
>interested in rather than wading through the many articles that appear
>on ras.

>I am only really interested in GP2 & ICR so therefore would prefer to
>see these as separate groups.   I am not trying to play down the nascar
>people as I am sure, also, they do not wish to plough through the f1
>type posts also.

>I agree with Terje's proposals for the different newsgroups he listed,
>good idea.

>Here's hoping for some development in the near future.


Thanks for your comments.  I guess I should have said:

"If you have an opinion about how it should look, then we need to hear it  
*in news.groups, when the RFD comes out* - this goes for everyone reading  
this post."

James Bevan

NeXTMail & MIME welcome

Tim Dal

NEWSGROUP: reorganizing

by Tim Dal » Wed, 28 Aug 1996 04:00:00

I appreciate your efforts but my ignorance prevents participation.

Please enlighten us as to HOW WHERE and WHEN we do what we do.:-}

Please give us detailed instructions as to the news group we should go to and
then where we look and when to look there and what will happen.

If you can point us to a document that explains it that would be good too.

Thanks for your help.

Tim Daley is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.