The T2s cups are actually really good! What you will need to do is this;
Find a suitable square plate made from wood, or typical furniture
semi-wood blahblah (Do not know what it is called in English, sorry!),
measuring about 30-40 centimetres both ways. Make sure that it is strong
and stiff, and that it has a smooth, painted surface. Go down to your
local hardware store and get two small vices (L-vices?). Get some
cleansing *** too. Use the *** to clean the suction cups and the
plate surface. Stick the T2 on the plate, and***the whole system
onto your desks edge. This way you get the wheel closer to you in a more
"real" way. My T2 has NEVER worked loose, even when my brute
arcade-killer friends have used NASCAR as demolition derby. And when you
have to take a break, you unbolt the plate, and stick it neatly under
your desk, ready for a five minute jam next time the house is empty!
Hope this note makes any sense!
Matthew, up in snowy Norway.