My (unasked for) take on the GPL domination issue

Scott Moor

My (unasked for) take on the GPL domination issue

by Scott Moor » Sun, 26 Mar 2000 04:00:00

 There has been a lot of discussion about why GPL is the subject of the
majority of threads in this NG, and I just wanted to throw my two bits into
the pot. If you see this as beating a dead horse, then don't read it<g>-
rrevved is much more entertaining than I am.
 First off, I have to admit to a few things, those being that I'm not one of
the good drivers as far as GPL goes, and I'm not well versed in the history
of Grand Prix racing- most of what I know has come from this NG and some of
the GPL related sites out there. The reason I bring this up is that it helps
to make one of my points- that GPL is the *** subject here because it
is sim racing's "killer app"- just as Wordperfect was to word processors,
Netscape was to browsers, and Doom was to, well, PC games. I really think
that GPL opened a lot of eyes to exactly what is possible when it all comes
together- it's the purest driving simulation ever made(I think that point is
pretty hard to argue against), and has changed the genre forever.
 As far as the pro-GPL crowd shouting down any naysayers: I've seen it
happen, but I've also seen that type of behavior coming from the pro- Schumi
crowd over in RASF1. I think this occurs when something becomes very
important to the shouter in question- and when a game(don't yell at me, I
know it's a sim- I used "game" for perspective)can provoke the almost
fanatical loyalty that GPL has, it speaks volumes.
 I fall into the pro-GPL category, no question. I don't spend enough time
with it(stupid metabolism makes me have to work so I can eat), but I have
never had any experience with my PC that comes close to what GPL has given
me. An dafter more than a year, it's gotten better with time- unlike many
others that sit gathering dust right now. Coming through Eau Rouge, using
opposite lock, brake, and throttle, all 4 tires clawing for that last bit of
grip- there isn't a sim racing moment that can compare. The suspension of
disbelief is almost total, and the sights, sounds, and "feel" are so
appropriate, that it becomes more real than the other sims. GPL is that
good, at least in my opinion- and it appears that I'm not alone.
 If you don't like GPL for whatever reason, that well and good- most of us
are free to choose our pleasures, and for the most part no one will ridicule
you for your choices. I just think that GPL will be the *** sim on RAS
for some time to come- and those are my insights(however misguided)as to

Scott Moore
Sports *** Network***.com


My (unasked for) take on the GPL domination issue

by Andrew » Mon, 27 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Thank god, I'm not alone any more!

Far and away the best and most enjoyable sims to drive.

RASF1 is possibly the worst newsgroup I've ever read.  The only possible
exceptions could be the Windows/Mac/OS2/Linux advocacy groups.

Me neither.  And on top of that I now own 3 hard cover coffee table books on
the history of F1.  A book on driving techniques and a plan to take a 3 day
road course with Panoz at Road Atlanta this fall.

I agree, but there are few readers of this group that are a bit over the
top.  GPL is great, 99% of us would agree but it's not perfect and shouldn't
be treated as so.  I don't know if there's anything on the horizon to rival
it but both the West brothers (World Sports Car) and the designers of Skip
Barber Racing have GPL in their sites.  In interviews, both developers have
made mention of GPL and both have said they hope their physics will surpass
GPL.   This doesn't mean that games will be as enjoyable, but their hearts
are in the right place.  I'd be happy if only one of these games suceeds.



"...nothing has really come close to GPL, our model isn't finished yet so I
cant do a direct comparison now, but GPL is the target, and we feel we have
the potential to match and who knows maybe beat it. "

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