Thanks men for the input. I can appreciate not rehashing this over and over
again however, each day there are new experts signing up like Bruce. I was
hoping along with the comedy relief there would also be some substantial
technical info. It recently has been said here that higher frame rate can
also improve driving and or shooting skills. I run refresh at 85hz and
usually load the graphics until my minimum FPS is about 35. I am not the
fastest on the track but those faster can only attribute their skills to
practice not FPS. In fact I have asked many, and for example in F12002 35FPS
was used buy the guy with a very fast lap time. I am sure there are many
factors in achieving a nice balance. I will judge by the competition and the
response to questions. Thanks.
> While many games are playable down to about 20 fps, I find any frame rate
> under 40 to be noticeably less smooth than over 40. From 40 up it is
> a bit harder for me to see the difference. However I can *feel* the
> difference all the way up to 100 or so. Practically every game I have
> smoother as the frame rate gets higher, providing only that the frame rate
> is fairly steady. At first I thought this was due to eye-hand reaction
> but someone here recently posted that many games sample the controllers
> per frame, thus for those games the higher the frame rate the better the
> controller response. Right now if I had my preference I would run all
> at somewhere around 80 to 100 fps. Some of my games will do that, others
> will not. I have some older games that I can run at well over 100 (last
> time I checked I could run the original quake at around 500) but I can't
> really feel the difference above 100 or so.
> > I am curious to see what others believe is necessary in frame rate
> > to achieve max performance. Is it not game specific? GPL maxed at 30fps
> some
> > others 90 and over 100 fps.