I have not seen a very good Offline and Online site that reports the results
and points for each league. I would like to step up simulation racing. I
want to make a site were every driver can come and see were they are in
points. See what other drivers do in other leagues and so on. If you would
like more infomation then please e-mial me. I feel that simulation racing
needs this step up because all of you guys out there work *** your
league. I would also like to have a single Track record page for all the
leagues if you driver takes the top speed they will be posted on this page
with you league name next to them. We will also have a driver of the week
award and at the end of the year we will have a driver of the year award and
the driver will receve a plaque. We would also like to have a big race to
set the site off. The winner of the race will have a chance to win 100
Dollars. I would like all leagues to participate. IF you are interested and