OK...I broke down and bought NR2. WIN95/DOS CD version.
BEFORE I open the box, I'd like to know if this will run on my machine.
(I couldn't get "Need for Speed 2 SE" running cuz my crummy soundcard
isn't DirectX-able....grrrrr. So, since I opened it already it can't be
returned...it's sitting on the shelf until I can upgrade.)
My system is 166MMX, 32 MB, 24X CD-ROM, Microsoft Sidewinder
PrecisionPro digital joystick (brand new), Win95.
Any patches I should be aware of? I can't tell what version number this
game is from the outside of the box.
Thanks in advance for all help/responses.
Sure hope THIS game works. It's the 3rd game I've tried in 2 weeks. MS
FlightSim98 works ok, but no sound (DirectX problem I think), NFS2SE
nada...now this. So much for trying to save a few bucks buying a
generic computer box.