Ya ya, I know, but to all my fellow Canucks out there wondering when
Nascar 2 is gonna show up here, well, it has! I was at the mall today
(because the mall has it all), and just wandered into the Electronics
Boutique there, and what jumps off the shelf and into my hands, but a
copy of Nascar 2. Whoa. And the price? Only a paltry $54.99
(remember, that's Canadian currency). WOW! I was fully expecting it
to be priced at least at $69.99 or greater, so now I love EB, but i
really love Nascar 2, what a sim! It was well worth the wait.
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* Karl aka The Dobeman *
* Clan member of Zealot Wroth *
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* 1996 Ninja 500 1995 VW Golf *
* 1995 Wife & 1990 Doberman *
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