On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 15:01:00 -0000, "Ashley McConnell"
>> If you have a car orientation matrix, it's just the Y vector from that
>> matrix.
>Yep, thats what I meant, directly down in tyre co-ordinates :)
Ah, hehe, ofcourse. :)
If you mean the left & right side of the tire, there's a big chance
they'll hit the same tri as well. Or you could force it to. ;-)
(just hit the tri's plane to come up with left/right approximations
instead of really raytracing multiple times; good enough for
temperature stuff I'd guess).
It's not that much to incorporate I think; in case of a miss, try the
enclosing node. If not, shoot down the entire tree again. Something
creative like that.
No, I create patches (admittedly helped by TrackEd) from the polygonal
data. Those are combined to give a 3D Catmull Rom patch. So I have a
bunch of left-right lines, which define the control points of the
patch. No need to get this info directly from Max.
Hm? I thought you were the droid from Aliens. ;-)
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim: http://www.racer.nl/
Pencil art : http://www.marketgraph.nl/gallery/