Cool brother, thanks for the info. I'm located in Australia, and
Athlons are still fairly rare (and pricey) at the moment here. Sounds
like a pretty good deal that you got, especially since the
brow-sweating is left to someone else. I'd be very stressed about
taking a soldering iron to a $450 cpu.
the price of the V3's is coming down pretty well, so I'll give that a
look in as well. Might be better to upgrade, see how it goes, and then
get the V3.
I'm sure it won't take too long for o'clocking kits to be very readily
available. Then all I'll need is a Kryotech refrigerator setup...
Thanks again.
R Mc.
> I got mine from
> They sell pre-overclocked Athlon 500's at 600 and 700mhz,
> guaranteed for
> year. If you're in the US, I think
> offer a
> similar service. As for the graphics card, I would upgrade from
> the Banshee
> ASWELL if I were you. Otherwise it will be the bottleneck in the
> system. Of
> course you could wait for a DDR Geforce or a V4/V5.
> The other thing to think about is that people are starting to make
> "golden
> finger" devices for the Athlon.There is an edge connector on the
> top of the
> Athlon PCB, which can control all aspects of the Athlon's speed
> (multiplyer,
> L2 cache speed etc) with no soldering. Once companies start
> selling those,
> you'll really be able to play with overclocking.
> Mike.
> > We were looking at getting the k7m, based on all the reviews
> around on
> > the net. How did you go about overclocking, did you get the old
> > soldering iron out and go the hack, or something like on toms
> hardware?
> > That wiring diagram that tacks onto the expansion connector
> looks good,
> > and I have a friend who can knock up a PCB for my brother to do
> some
> > clocking.
> > For myself, I have a friendly computer guy who may be willing to
> let me
> > try a few celerons to get the best overclocker!! Should be a
> ripper
> > anyway.
> > Maybe I'll try out my brother's Athlon, assuming that it happens
> soon
> > enough.
> > Would you recommend getting an Athlon (and sticking with the
> banshee)
> > instead of a celeron 500 or so and v3 3000?
> > I'll have to check out the message board, thanks for the info.
> > R Mc
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