Just to let you all know if you havent seen or heard it yet, I live by
the Mall of America in Minnesota and the arcade there is a testbed for
Sega Namco and such, anyway my friend manages it and they got a Sega
Touring Car Championship game. I have to say compared to daytona Rally
and Indy 500 it beats em all handily. I was most impressed with the
cleanliness and precise line needed to be "fast" any excessive slip
angle on the tyres really slows you unlike rally and Daytona where
slides are quickest.
The feedback steering gives a IMHO the best feel of self aligning
tourque of any arcade game. The key to being fast is "feeling" when the
tyres slip ange is getting to the point of breaking loose.
The four cars are the Opel Calibra, AMG Mercedes, Toyota Supra, and
Alfa V6. The Alfa feels like AWD and is the easiest to drive. The opel
is also very stable but a little quicker, The Mercedes is dmn fast but
must be Rear wheel drive cause it loves to oversteer on entry, the supra
is not as fast as the Merc but faster than the Opel but doesnt handel as
Thought you might like to know. Any ? let me know