How do you pronounce that? Is it fueeeee of few?
How do you pronounce that? Is it fueeeee of few?
Absolutely but notice they didnt want to advertise the fact that it
did for several reasons. One main one...GF1 didnt have the fill rate
to do it. Second main reason the drivers sucked (they pretty much
still do)....and the results werent that great.
Thats strange the compatibility on the 3dfx is pretty much
outstanding. But I agree that using FSAA on the Geforce 2 was not a
fun experience....
Thats an understatment..all their statements and efforts have been to
diminish the effect of stunning effects of 3dfx FSAA. One very clever
way is to use their card as an example of FSAA and say see it doesnt
look that good...clever indeed. Another good way is to have uneducated
sites like Anandtech make silly comparisons of screenshots showing
edges as if thats the Big Ass deal about FSAA. It IS the big ass deal
about Nvidia's FSAA but its NOT the big ASS deal about 3dfx's FSAA
which does a much better job of eliminating the Creepy Crawly
Textures, swimming textures and popping pixels...eliminating THAT is
the big ass deal about FSAA. Scenes the 3dfx do not move around as
much as they do with the Geforce and thats the big deal. Anand is
making a fool of himself by comparing edges alone.
The sole reason that this release isnt as good a release as the
Geforce 1 is they panicked by the reactions to 3dfx's FSAA by the
Losing mindshare is not an option. Its the main thing that cost 3dfx
so much and the main reason why putting useless features in a card
might be a good idea in the future...dont even have to work just have
to say that the card does it.
Thats the big puzzle to me. I mean has anyone at either of these
companies read "Inmates are running the asylum"...? Do they honest
believe its a good idea to release cards that will require driver
updates then require that shenanigans like editing the registry be
done by the normal user. LIke the teacher said if you are gonna do
*** then bring enough for everyone.
Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Flanker Target
Grand Prix Legends Crash Test Dummy
Aim-120 Propellent ***
Infamous Pink Flamingo Pilot...<VBG>
Rants, Bullshit and Help Guides availible at
> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 05:05:04 +0200, Magnus Svensson
> >Phueewh, Nos. Bust open the valium can or something.
> I'm all out. Gotta see the doc.
> >I was talking about *D3D FSAA*, and if you look well enough, lo and
> >behold, there *are* D3D FSAA scores there. Compared to the 5.22 there
> >are in some cases 200-250% improvement.
> I had the Geforce2 and returned it for the V5. I made the right
> choice. 'Nuff said.
Giving in to peer pressure... ;^)
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
I've been a 3DFX fanboy since day one. I believe I was the *first*
person in the flight-sim group with a 3DFX card. I used to troll this
group with my 3dFX rantings quite often because they were all using
those ***Rendition cards (just ask PD or Greg Cisko for proof). I
just had a momentary lapse of insanity, but I'm ok now.
> >Oh come on, admit that you just didn't want to be the sheep of
> >the flightsim group any longer!
> >Giving in to peer pressure... ;^)
> I've been a 3DFX fanboy since day one. I believe I was the *first*
> person in the flight-sim group with a 3DFX card. I used to troll this
> group with my 3dFX rantings quite often because they were all using
> those ***Rendition cards (just ask PD or Greg Cisko for proof). I
> just had a momentary lapse of insanity, but I'm ok now.
I would never stoop so low as to do such a thing :-)
> > On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 18:58:19 +0200, Ronald Stoehr
> > >Oh come on, admit that you just didn't want to be the sheep of
> > >the flightsim group any longer!
> > >Giving in to peer pressure... ;^)
> > I've been a 3DFX fanboy since day one. I believe I was the *first*
> > person in the flight-sim group with a 3DFX card. I used to troll this
> > group with my 3dFX rantings quite often because they were all using
> > those ***Rendition cards (just ask PD or Greg Cisko for proof). I
> > just had a momentary lapse of insanity, but I'm ok now.
> That is right. As I recall you made a bigger stink than I have,
> simply by calling the entire RAS NG a bunch of pussies.
> I would never stoop so low as to do such a thing :-)
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"
* Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *