Hi ,
today I found in Compuserve news from a guy who visited the Silverstone
British Motorracing fair and he played Gp2 . Here are his experiences :
textured etc. Frame rate was not grease lightening, but it was no slower than ICR2 with reasonably high detail on my
machine (P75). The cars look a lot better than ICR2 in that they are all of the real life design I.E. some with high
noses, some with low etc. As for the track and background, I played it on Silverstone and Monza and both had very good
scenery etc. The one thing that did strike me was that there are different surface textures and shades. In the real
world if you look at the Silverstone circuit just before Bridge corner there is a change in texture and collour where
they hand layed the new circuit. This has been replicated perfectly in the game with exactly the right shades of tarmac
The type of machine? sorry I do not know, they had them hidden away from prying eyes, But I suspect that it was
reasonably slow (no one ever spends a lot of money on British club Motor Sport). No bugs at all. It ran clean as a
whistle. It looked as if it was completley finished. There were 5 machines all running at once all with the GP2 on
them. All of the menues worked without hessitation and it generaly ran very smoothley. I did not ask them if there was
going to be a track ed. Annd finaly, the hold up that I heard was that Geof The God had made the game too sophisticated,
and it wouldnt run well on any thing under a P90, and even that was slow. Lets hope that the machine that I was using
was nothing too S**t hot other wise my poor little P75 wont be able to take the traumer. The release date that I heard
was 16 of Jan, only 9 days.<<