I was in a VROC race about a month ago when THREE guys came in and
started to qualify at the last minute. they ALL immediately
outqualified everyone handily, and when the race started took off like
bullets and we never saw them again until the end of the race.
After the race we stuck around a few minutes and chatted, and finally
one of them let the cat out of the bag that there was a cheat to the
status and that that was what they were doing ---------- testing to
see if the cheat really DID work, which obviously, it did.
The said they were bound to absolute secrecy about it, but that it was
there and quite easy to find in the program, if you were somewhat
knowledgable about computers and knew how to open the actual ptogram
files to the sim.
I must say I am NOT knowledgable at all, and that this kind of stuff
flies completely over my head, but I can assure you of this, in an
intermediate long, or pro long race the "cheat" as they called it is
good for nearly a lap at SPA.
That is substantial and quite unamusing.