OK, thx.
> F-Prot reports the files as clean, but the latest version of the free
> version of Dos F-Prot hasn't been updated since April of 2000 so don't
> know how accurate it is. Someone please scan the files with Norton,
> Mcaffee etc. so I can know for sure. Thx.
> --
> Nos
Thx. Looks like PC-Cillin is a little gun happy in declaring a file a
virus. Good thing I don't have it set to automatically delete any
infected files.
Here is a good Antivirus story for everyone!
I remember last year Norton AV was claiming that a F1RS
editor had a virus (trojan actually). I didn't believe it so I sent
the file to Symantec for ****I* zation. What a total ***ing
joke that is!!!
They replied right back and said they ran the file on Norton AV
and it was infected. I said "DUH no shit, I did the same thing"
to paraphrase :-) My understanding is that they would analyze
that file in their labs. Since I use Norton AV on my servers
at work I was pissed that Symantec did not seemingly
provide the service at their labs which they claimed. I called
Symantec and really raised hell with them about this. They
apologized profusely and promised they would have one
of their AV engineers analyze the file and report the results
to me. That was well over a year ago and I'm still waiting.
Ok so I get the next monthly update. I checked this file again
and wouldn't you know it, the file was OK. So I started looking
for the newly updated virus definitions for this virus to make
sure it was still checking for the virus which had been flagged.
That virus definition was not in the new update! No wonder
it did not report a virus!
M***to the story, is that the AntiVirus programs can be
totally screwy and kind of a flim-flam-man thing. AV
type programs are awesome at detecting a macro virus
though. The Symantec lab where you send your infected
file for ****I* zation is a total loser. I doubt such a lab even
exists :-)
I should call them to see how they are doing on my file :-)
And that's why I''ll neve pay for a virus program. Notice how they
tell you there are thousands of viri out there? What they fail to
mention is that they are all variations of a few hundered known viri.
Anyway, you can dload a Dos F-Prot prog for free that is as good or
maybe even better than some of those pay to use progs.