Try this:
> I was just sifting through my cds and came across Burnout PCE. Forgot I
> ever owned this, played it to death then threw it someplace. Anyways, I
> have a few questions....
> 1) Can anyone explain and/or direct me to a site that will explain cams?
> This is the one area of the engine I don't understand. I know what the cam
> does, just not how to tune it.
> 2) Can anyone explain clutch adjustments? IE: stall, multiple (I figured
> out slip)
> 3) Anyone understand tire peaks/slops/etc. In general I need a site that
> explain quite a bit of setup stuff = )
> 4) Has anyone gotten hardware acceleration to work on a TNT card via a
> glide wrapper or other means? The smoke is hidious in software mode, not to
> mention slow despite a P3.