>Are you guys getting the "steering hesitations" ? It happens alot in
>the chicane before the last turn. If you are, please post a message
>on the www.gp500.net forum under the "Steering hiccups..." thread.
>The lead programmer is monitoring this thread for user complaints.
flicking through the chicane but even an athlete like myself (ahem)
takes some time to move his ***to the appropriate position and lean
the bike.
I don't notice any "pause" either with joystick or with keys - never
tried with a wheel, FF or otherwise.
Personally I think the game is tremendous fun, my one complaint would
be that I trail brake constantly and heavily - it seems far too
forgiving of such antics. I also find I can run 1:48s by
straightlining the second part of the left/right flick before the
final hairpin by straightening up the bike and blasting straight
across the kerbs and grass, which probably shouldn't be possible.
One other thing is that the tyres seem to be "warm" rather than one
side or the other side. At first the bike is pretty squirrely as the
tires are cold then it grips real well after about a lap or a bit
less. However my understanding is that after a series of right handers
the left side of the tire should be somewhat cold and as I go into the
next left hander the bike should be a little more nervous. As I've
never ridden a bike at anything approaching a respectable speed excuse
me if this is total bollocks, but I just recall a program where one of
the BTCC touring car drivers swapped his car with one of the 500cc
bike guys for a day, and the bike guy was explaining this and warning
the car driver to be very careful of it.
Anyway, the point is whether this is modelled in GP500, because if so
it's too subtle for me to see (or perhaps I've just got used to it and
think that those corners are less grippy?). The bike certainly seems
less grippy at the start, but after that it tends to be fine all round
the track.