There I was at the starting grid - with the needle at the redline...GREEN
light...first gear engaged! Up up and away! Well, I almost fell off my
chair laughing - the bike was actually spinning its rear wheel and
sliding away! *Very* *very* *funny*, LOL, those guy's can't even have
been close to a motorcycle! At this point, man and machine should in
reality be separated and heading in opposite directions...!
Next surprise was the gearing. Totally unrealistic, unless you are
driving a car! The gears "run out" much faster on a motorcycle, and at
the redline the engine should sound like if it is being teared apart
(almost like a screaming woman :-)
Then another surprise. It was unavoidable to run stright into the first
sandbank, but again the game thought I was driving a car! The only
motorcycles I can think of with REVERSE GEAR are GoldWings and Harleys
(almost cars anyway)...but not with screaming tires.
Next disappointment: No sense of speed! I have a 300MHz Pentium with
3dfx, so I guess the hardware isn't causing this problem.
Conclustion: Great car game! I drive a Yamaha FZR1000 myself, although
not at the track, and this is *the* most STUPID attempt at a SIMULATION
I've ever seen.