Mr. Rambo and Mr. Williams,
I guess that you are both correct according the the definition that I am
most familiar with: "I don't know how to define, but I know it when I see
it." That was said by some learned Supreme Court justice. So I guess if you
find it offensive and ***, it is.
I will again point out, however, that the most generally *** statement
(a reference to an insestuous *** act) in my post was PASTED from an
E-mail that was sent to my home, and cannot be construed to represent my
preferred level of discourse. Perhaps poor judgement on my part, as was my
reply to this coward, but I tend to "give as good [or bad] as I get." You
will both notice that your non-profane and (somewhat) respectful posts
received non-profane and (somewhat) respectful replys from me.
Now, quoting Mr. Rambo:
"I've never understood why so many
I don't mean to be petty or abusive here, but little of the world is based
on the limits of any one person's understanding. I heard many of these
"lower standard" words for the first time from my father, who has worked
hard all his life in a stressful environment where such language is
commonplace. Perhaps others had some different influence in life who was a
calmer person (I'm not implying any less hard-working), perhaps more
outwardly religious.
"I've never
I suppose rage can in some cases be a function of ego-centricity. But I'm
more concerned with the implications of a "refusal to tolerate" behavior
that is not illegal. If one hears someone use a curseword in public do you
merely shun that person, or do you feel it is your right to physically
*** that person? Or perhaps the middle ground, as you have done here,
speak up and say you would prefer not to hear such talk in your presence.
Can I decide that there are a few words that I don't like to hear, and start
insisting that everyone comply with my wishes? That really would be
Enough of trying to dig myself out of this hole, you are both 100% correct
on the fundamental issue: It is better all-around policy to conduct yourself
in a calm, rational, and polite manner all the time. Whether for
moral/religious reasons (more likely to go to Heaven), or for Machiavellian
reasons (more likely to get what you want).
I just don't like do be told what I can and cannot say, barring threats and
slander. Now I think I'll go look at some ***ography...
W Spilman
PS: Quoting Mr. Williams:
"Internet anonymity can be very liberating can't it?"
Perhaps I cannot be proud of the way I have conducted
myself in this forum, but I am proud of the fact that I have
sent NO correspondence on the internet anonyomously.
That is my real name. Mr Rambo?