I'm using the same wheel with F1 CS 2K Mac, which is also new. The wheel
seems to work pretty well -- even force feedback -- except for the
Driving School component of the game. I have also found no way to
calibrate either in the game or outside the game. I haven't had time yet
to look thoroughly through Apple's or Feral's web sites. I'm used to GPL
where calibration can be done using Window's Control Panel, Logitech
Wingman software AND within Grand Prix Legends. Looks like the Mac world
needs to sort this out a little bit. Sorry I can't offer any help. I'll
be watching this thread closely for any leads.
>friend just bought the NR02 version for Mac and bought a Logitech momo
>racing force feedback wheel and he cant get it to calibrate , it seems to
>recognize the gas and brake but not the steering in the configure screen or
>within the game options screen . has anyone had any luck with this wheel
>with NR02 I know NR just came out for Mac .