Hi all,
This might be a little off topic, but .... I've had to learn Perl for a few
things at work, and I should really get it a bit better than what it is now.
I'm still a bit of a newbie at Perl, but to get my skills going I've decided
to start writing a little management-style simulation. I'll be working on
this myself, but you're free to help out if you like. Basically, it's a
game where you race at club-level motorsport and choose how you set you car
up and how you race. You can buy/sell cars and there's a championship of
10-15 rounds with a round every 2 weeks or so. This makes it nice and
relaxed to play.
If you've anything you'd like to add or just want to keep track of when the
first version goes live, come along and sign up. Again, sorry if this is
Web-based Virtual Racing Simulation
NB: Spamtrap - do the obvious
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