>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P R E S S R E L E A S E <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The F1GPRS 1997 Season is on his way!!!
For those who don't know what it is: F1GPRS stands for Formula One Grand
Prix Racing Series which is an Internet Racing Series based on F1GP/WC.
We took over last year's series and give you the opportunity to keep on
racing... in the 1997 season. As you might (and probably will) know is
that Grand Prix 2 is out, but for those who want to race against other
people with F1GP/WC we continued the series. This series is totaly free
and just for fun!! Just download the necessary files, read the rules,
race and maybe you are on your way to become F1GPRS World Champion......
Our Website is the key to the series:
Feel free to visit... if anything about the series is unclear, mail our
Press Officer (that's me).
In name of the F1GPRS 97 Committee,
Johan Seliaerts
Press Officer of F1GPRS 97