You may also need GPLSA to adjust the driver backwards or forwards to see the
Some people actually reduce the fov from the value of 78 but I dont
see any point there, all becomes so 'slow' :P. If You want close
***pit just use GPLSA to fix the camera position.
> Some people actually reduce the fov from the value of 78 but I dont
> see any point there, all becomes so 'slow' :P. If You want close
>***pit just use GPLSA to fix the camera position.
> Cheers,
> LM
Another disadvantage with a wide fov is that everything
gets smaller which means you need to run at a higher
resolution to get the same amount of detail.
On the other hand, low framerates (e.g. 36 fps) is
less of a problem with a wide fov since there is less
sideways movement on the screen from frame to frame.
(But this problem can also be solved by using a small
enough monitor :-)
Mats Lofkvist
Actually you are the first one I know who increases the fov :)
With a smaller fov you do lose some illusion of speed (on the
straights), but with a smaller fov (I use 50) the speed-awareness
becomes much better, it's more easy to judge how fast you are going in
the corners.
Also it gets easier to judge the distance from the car to the edge of
the track with a smaller fov.
Increasing the fov also increases the fishbowl effect..
So both ways of using fov have their advantages.. we seriously need
some VR helmets :-/