Scheduled for February 1998? Hmm..I guess that
means we won't see it for another 3 years or so.
Scheduled for February 1998? Hmm..I guess that
means we won't see it for another 3 years or so.
A english PC magazine (PC-player)
Says that GP3 is shedulled for February 1998!!!
> Scheduled for February 1998? Hmm..I guess that
> means we won't see it for another 3 years or so.
On Fri, 25 Jul 1997 17:05:34 +0200, Trine Dufey
>> >Says that GP3 is shedulled for February 1998!!!
>> Scheduled for February 1998? Hmm..I guess that
>> means we won't see it for another 3 years or so.
>Looks like you dont follow up alot..
>The last game was programmed and designd by GEOFF CRAMMOND, and this
>time it is Crammond
>and a whole team.
>So they can fokus more on each part of the game.
>There for it will be made alot faster.. from what i've heard they are
>based on the code from Gp2, but enhanced it for 3d hardware, and made it
>more non 3d hardware computer friendly!.
Since they already have Gp2 to work from I can belive that the game will
be out at that time, maby at the end of the first half of 1998 at the
And do remember that it is not just crammond this time, he is now
working with a team, and that will surly make progress.. as well as
possibilities for patches if there is something missing.
Let us all hope for the things that was not with gp2, as well as Voodoo
chipset suport.!
> Which, using the `Crammond calender` should mean, August 1988, and will be
> rushed out causing features to be removed at last minute , who reckons its
> going to be Networking and Weather ??
> Which, using the `Crammond calender` should mean, August 1988, and will be
> rushed out causing features to be removed at last minute , who reckons its
> going to be Networking and Weather ??
Cuando se come aqui ?
You ever maintained computer software?
You ever maintained computer software written by someone else?
In some cases it is easier to start from the scratch and with
the extremely slow 3D engine of GP2, I would think it'd even
be wise.
But of course, they will be counting on everybody owning
a 300MHz MMX with some outrageously expensive 3D card stuck
up its ass.
Hahha, patches? From MicroProse, hehhehhehhehe h h hhekjhslkdjy p9879 yh
> >Since they already have Gp2 to work from I can belive that the game
> will
> >be out at that time, maby at the end of the first half of 1998 at the
> >worst.
> You ever maintained computer software?
> You ever maintained computer software written by someone else?
> In some cases it is easier to start from the scratch and with
> the extremely slow 3D engine of GP2, I would think it'd even
> be wise.
> But of course, they will be counting on everybody owning
> a 300MHz MMX with some outrageously expensive 3D card stuck
> up its ass.
> >And do remember that it is not just crammond this time, he is now
> >working with a team, and that will surly make progress.. as well as
> >possibilities for patches if there is something missing.
> Hahha, patches? From MicroProse, hehhehhehhehe h h hhekjhslkdjy p9879
> yh
> -TPP
a-ha,maybe true but o'le geoff could have said to erase those BIG
he attached his name and therefore takes responsebility for the whole
in my humble opinion,microprose would be crazy to put out a follow-up to
such a heavy selling product as gp2 is
gp1 was released many years ago,and only last year came gp2
my guess is we just might see a demo for gp3 just befor ethe turn of the
think i'm gonna join that guy laughing over microprose and patches :-)
microprose,hahahahahahahaha,bringing out patches,HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You know, caffiene is actually a drug?
Dave Bowers
On Sat, 02 Aug 1997 16:30:43 +0200, Trine Dufey
>Just because they did that mistake, makes every one hate Crammond... BTW
>it was not crammond that was wrong. it was microprose.They started to
>advertice long before crammond was sure if it would be finished in time.
Geoff Crammond never set a date for GP2's release, and stated that it
would be finished, when it's finished.
Still, its the best gp sim/game out there, and its gonna take a lot
to beat it.
Can't wait to see the games that DO beat it.
Remove "NOSPAM" from address before replying
> >Just because they did that mistake, makes every one hate Crammond...
> >it was not crammond that was wrong. it was microprose.They started to
> >advertice long before crammond was sure if it would be finished in
> time.
> Most of the problems were with stoopid magazines, that said the game
> would be released next month etc etc.
> Geoff Crammond never set a date for GP2's release, and stated that it
> would be finished, when it's finished.
> Still, its the best gp sim/game out there, and its gonna take a lot
> to beat it.
> Can't wait to see the games that DO beat it.
> Cheers.....Ken
> Remove "NOSPAM" from address before replying