I'll be sending the letter Sunday night(12-28), so if you want your ideas
about how to improve CART P.R. included in a letter I'm sending to TRI, head
on over to The C.P.R. Playground at
and go to the "TRI Letter" section. So far I've gotten some very good
ideas! Once I send the letter, it will be posted in the "TRI Letter"
section of my webpage, so if you don't see the letter, it's not too late to
get your idea(s) in!
Here are some abbreviated guidlines for sending your idea to me....PLEASE go
to my site and read the complete guidelines before you send me
mail...otherwise your idea may not be included! These are just so you have a
general idea of what types of ideas I'm looking for.
1) PLEASE don't mail me about things that have been re-hashed repeatedly
since CPR's release....the CART team already knows about the major problems
and is addressing them. This letter is more for people to share their ideas
on how they feel CPR could be improved...either through additions to the
driving model, game options, the way menus work, or anything else.
2) Wise-assed comments are fine for this NG, and I welcome stuff like "take
it off the shelves! That would be a GREAT improvement" or whatever....but
PLEASE just post to RAS. I get a large amount of email already.....so
please Please PLEASE only send PRODUCTIVE ideas!
3) Make sure that your idea comes across clearly! If you have a bug report,
make sure you include how to reproduce it. Remember, if something only
happens once, but you can't get it to happen again.....it isn't a
bug.....it's called "weird". :-)
4)I'd really appreciate it if you'd GO TO MY PAGE AND READ THE FULL
Thanks in advance!!!
Mike McCloskey
C:P.R. Playground