LFS 0.1E out now

mark jeangerar

LFS 0.1E out now

by mark jeangerar » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 04:15:34

Wouldn't happen to know what the '2x textures and 'half texture size' is,
would ya?


"Nothing gets closer!" - Crammond


> this:

> >Speaking of that, has anyone found any graphics options
> >besides mirrors which can affect LFS frame rate greatly?

> >I prefer to drive in-car with mirrors, and I get
> >low 20s on a Celeron 1200/100MHz motherboard/Ge3 Ti200/384 RAM.
> >This is against 3 or 4 AI.  A full field puts the frame rate
> >in the ***s.  Would like a little higher, but don't want to
> >lose the mirrors.

> Switch to simple track / simple cars... IIRC this was in options/game
> or options/misc (I'm at work now, can't check it). It disables some
> lighting/reflection effects. This gave me a few more fps. Setting LODs
> to 0.4 (mirror LOD 0.25) also helped... I'm getting about the same fps

> resolution 1024x768, and lower resolutions don't improve fps.
> --
> - Igor -


LFS 0.1E out now

by J » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 09:42:01

Probably this means that more Controllers are supported now.
My LWFF is now working nicely with split axis AND FF on - YEAH!!!


LWFF Ball Bearing conversion at:

GPLRank: -14.82
Monsters of GPL: sub 95


LFS 0.1E out now

by J » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 09:42:02

Standard settings here at 1024 x 768, Mirrors on.
XP1500+ and GF2 GTS

FPS 30 to 40 something in the pack.
At the start down to 25


>> I just noticed that the newest patct for Live For Speed is out bringing
>> up to version 0.1E which supposedly adds multiple controller support. If I
>> had more than one controlled I'd let you know how it works ;)

>Multiple controllers working great for me.  Can't believe what a slideshow
>LFS is, even at 800x600 with a PIII-1Ghz and Geforce 2 GTS...grrr.

>    -Phasor

LWFF Ball Bearing conversion at:

GPLRank: -14.82
Monsters of GPL: sub 95

Jussi 'Igor' Koukk

LFS 0.1E out now

by Jussi 'Igor' Koukk » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 15:08:47

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:15:34 -0600, "mark jeangerard"

I think 'half texture size' is for Voodoo cards which can't handle the
big textures used in LFS. Dunno about '2x textures'... I'd guess it
uses some bigger textures, but didn't notice any difference in image
quality or fps (on GF2MX400).
- Igor -

Damien Smit

LFS 0.1E out now

by Damien Smit » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 22:30:00

Yeah right - and our world is perfect too.  You're not doing your
credibility any favours...

Goy Larse

LFS 0.1E out now

by Goy Larse » Sat, 21 Sep 2002 23:15:24

> > Dare I say that F12002 runs perfectly with nearly everything turned on and
> > GP4 runs perfectly with nearly everything turned off?

> Yeah right - and our world is perfect too

No it's not, Papy hasn't released their AussieV8 sim yet :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"The Pits"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--

mark jeangerar

LFS 0.1E out now

by mark jeangerar » Sun, 22 Sep 2002 13:56:11

What's your trip, man? I got a Voodoo 5. I'm getting 75 FPS solid in
practice in N2k2 with everything on. I'm running GP4 at 29 frames with most
all the switches in the middle and POs up to 120 at starts and pit laps and
in 60s the rest of the time in races. LFS with everything on but mips and
dither and I'm getting 30-40 FPS in all cases. 55 in solo practice. If you
don't like those numbers there's nothing I can do for you.

F12002? I don't know how to get the frames counter.... but I do know that I
approach video and controller setup one parameter at a time. I will change
one thing and go do 3 to 10 laps or however long it takes to feel how that
change effects approach. Up and down, highest and lowest, then in the
middle. Lap after lap, setting after setting. Then I adjust accordingly,
with every setting, in every game. Then I go back through and optimize by
seeing what likes to work with what or the other. I don't have school, I
don't have work, I just sit here ***ing around with the computer as much as
I want to. How much trouble did you go to to optimize any game in your rig?
Whether you did or didn't makes no difference to me. If I read your post,
and you're actually on topic, and there is anything about tweaks in any
game, guess what? I'm gonna try it. Not attack your personal character.
Where the *** do you get off?

Credibility...  about my computer? Because I ***ing said so... That's why.
If everyone here in r.a.s. complies with your sentiment then you know what?
You're right. My credibility is worthless and I have no reason to come in
here. Only an ignoramus would appreciate GP4... I'm starting to see the
reality of it all right now. Why I ever got the fool idea in my head that I
could enjoy and understand, not only sims, but the complex workings of a
computer...   I'd like to think, that in some way, at some time, I've said
something thought provoking or helpful. (I guess thought provoking is
definable as helpful.) If not, I'll***right off as you obviously have a
much better grasp of how much you are getting from your sims and computers
and, by your very nature, serve the sim community on a much deeper level.

You never answered my GP4 question either, Mr. Credible. ... the one you
solicited...    Wait, never mind. I know the answer already.

"Nothing gets closer!" - Crammond


Damien Smit

LFS 0.1E out now

by Damien Smit » Sun, 22 Sep 2002 22:36:33

Hey, there's nothing wrong with appreciating GP4, but you can't expect to
come in here and start spouting stuff like "GP4 is a superior simulator
because of it's tire model" and not expect to be challenged.

I realise that I was off topic in this thread but I was merely having a
friendly dig with my tongue planted firmly in my cheek but it seems even
that was lost on you.

What was your question about GP4 again? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.