>I am testing at Sears Point and am having a heck of a time keeping the car on
>the track. Can someone send me some corner speed to shoot for? I think I am
>getting into the corners to hard but can't seem to find good speeds to shoot
>for. My best time is 2:12. Obvously a lousy time.
>Any help is appreciated
Disclaimer: I'm not that fast at Sears Point yet (1:43), so there
probably is still a lot of improvement that can be done to these tips.
Braking points:
-I brake a little just after the bridge in turn 1, and then full on
the brakes after straightening the car out in 1a. Turn 2 is a 1st
gear turn on my slow laps, barely 2nd on fast laps.
-For turn 3, I brake just past the bend on the right side of the
track. I drive turn 3 in 2nd gear.
-Turn 4, I brake just before the dip in the road at the entry. (where
the slope changes). 2nd gear.
-Turn 5, I just lift. 3rd gear
-Turn 6 (carousel), I brake just after the crest of the hill. You can
drive this turn like you would drive a flat oval. 3rd gear
-Turn 7, I brake just before the first shutdown marker. You can
actually brake later than this, but run a real danger of overcooking
the turn. 1st gear
-I'll skip the Esses and turn 9/10, as you just sort of feather the
throttle and tap the brakes through this combination.
-I brake just after the yellow line for the pit entry when going into
turn 11. 1st gear
-No braking in turn 12.
I think I tend to brake a little late for some of these turns, so you
might want to play around with the braking points a little. Obviously
the braking point also depends on how much speed you carry into the