I would say the V3. I currently have an almost identical hardware config to
you: K6-2 450 in an Asus P5-A 128mb RAM and Voodoo3 3000. It runs fine.
If you look at the benchmarks, the V3 outstrips the Rage Fury by quite a
way, plus the ATI won't run GPL in hardware. (GPL openGL beta is really only
any good for TNT). The Rage Fury is quite nice (got a 16mb one in my parents
PC), but the performance really isn't on a par, especially for GPL.
The one thing I would say is DON'T get a TNT2. I bought a Guillemot Maxi
Gamer Xentor (16mb TNT2), put on the latest bios, agp drivers etc, but had
frequent lockups (like at least every half hour with no warning) even with
the case off and a 4 inch fan blowing straight onto the card. I took it back
and exchanged it for the V3, and bingo, back to a rock-solid system.
Basically the P5-A and TNT2's don't get on terribly well.
Go for the Voodoo3, but don't forget to put on the latest AGP miniport
before you put it in.
Hope that helps,
Mike West
> anyone have any recomendations on a video card to use with an
> amdk6-2/450 mounted to a ASUS p5a motherboard sporting 128mb ram???
> im looking at the 3dfx voodoo3 16mb ram and the ATI rage fury
> 32mb ram
> any users of my similar setup???
> ill be playing GPL and F1rs / MGPrs2 etc...
> any suggestions would be helpful